Need to be near you- Pearl/Geekchic

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In the depths of a dark forest, Dawn was lost. No Pokémon, no friends, no nothing.

"Hello? Can someone help me?" Dawn called, using her hands like a megaphone. Suddenly, unknown creatures zipped from bush to bush before her, frightening her. The creatures then charged from the bush and attracted. "Ahhhhh!"

"No!" Ash sat up in the Pokémon bed, in a cold sweat.

Clemont also sat up with a yelp from his own nightmare. The two young men were frantic. Could that have really happened? Were they ok?

"Ash? What happened?" Serena asked from the now open door.

"Are you two ok? We could hear you across the hall." Bonnie added, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"No, no, I have to, I need to..." Ash rambled as he got up from his bed, ignoring their questions. He pushed past the two girls and continued on.

"Wait, Ash? What are you doing?" Serena called after him. She then turned to Clemont. "What happened?"

"I...I don't know..." Clemont muttered, his gaze focused on his shaking hands.

His nightmare kept flashing to the front of his mind. He then looked to Serena and jumped, a bright blush stained his cheeks.

"Big brother, why are you blushing?" Bonnie asked, puzzled.

"Nothing! Let's go find Ash." Clemont suggested to change the subject.

The girls agreed and went to go find their friend.

Ash went into one of the phone booths without a word and quickly dialed the number he had come to memorized. He waited for the call to be answered, his heart racing. He silently begged that it really was all just a dream.

"Hello?" Johanna answered from her home back in Sinnoh. "Oh, hello Ash. What can I do for you?"

"Is Dawn there?" Ash asked, still kind of frantic.

"I'm afraid not, but I can patch you through to her." Johanna offered.

"Please." Ash begged.

Johanna nodded and the screen went fuzzy for a few minutes, then an image of Dawn appeared on the screen. She looked like she had just woken up and the room she was in was dim. She had major bedhead and her eyes were half closed.

"Who wants to talk to me?" Dawn yawned, assuming she was still talking to her mom.

"Dawn!" Ash exclaimed.

"Ash!" Dawn jumped, waking up. "What happened? You don't look so good."

"I...I had a terrible dream and...I just needed to see you..." Ash said with a shaky breath.

While it was a relief to see her, he wanted more. He wanted to be able to hold her and be sure that she was safe. Dawn watched him in worry. She could see that this dream was really getting to him. He checked her Poketch for the time. It was a bit passed 2 in the morning.

"Ok, I'm coming. See you soon." Dawn said and hung up the phone call before he could argue.

Ash stared at the black screen for a moment before stepping out of the booth. His three friends stood there, waiting for an explanation.

"What happened?" Bonnie piped up.

"I...just need to see her...I need her near me..." Ash muttered.

"Who?" Serena asked. "Who is she?"

Her eyes gleamed with tears that were being to form. Serena could tell that this girl meant a lot to him, more than she ever did.

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