Love potion affects- Pearl/Geekchic

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Ash Ketchum, sat in a coffee shop with his pal Pikachu. They were waiting his girlfriend to show up so he could take her on a date. However, there was someone who didn't know about their relationship, and had other plans. Serena was also in the coffee shop, watching her crush, with a red bottle in hand.

'It's now or never.' Serena thought as she walked up to him. "Hi Ash! How are you?"

Ash looked up from the magazine he was looking over. "Oh hey Serena. I'm good. What about you?" Ash responded.

"I'm great actually." Serena cooed. She stepped in between the chair he was sitting in and the table that held his drink. "I was actually looking for you so I could tell you something important." Serena said as she quickly poured a few drops of the red liquid into his drink. She tried to be discrete, but Pikachu noticed.

"Ok, what is it? Oh, could you hand me my drink?" Ash asked.

"Of course." Serena smiled and handed the cup to him.

"Thanks. Um, I don't mean to sound rude, but could you please hurry and tell me. I'm meeting my girlfriend here any minute." Ash explained. He then took a huge sip of his drink.

"Yes, but I...wait? have a girlfriend?" Serena asked, baffled.

"Yeah, her name is..."Ash suddenly became silent, the potion taking affect.

"Pika?" Pikachu asked, curious as to his trainer's weird silence.

A goofy, love sick, smile abruptly formed on Ash's face. "It doesn't matter what her name is...not when I have a girl like you, Serena." Ash flirted.

"But...but Ash." Serena stuttering as a blush crept up her cheeks. "You have a girlfriend."

Ash shrugged his shoulders "I was going too break up with her anyway."

'Oh no! What have I done? I never should have interfered with-" Serena's thoughts were interrupted by Ash hugging her. 'Push him away! Push him away! But...but you've waited for this your whole life. It won't hurt to enjoy it for a little bit, right?' Serena hugged him back, over the moon with joy.

Across the coffee shop, Clemont came in, holding a bouquet of flowers and dressed up all nice, with Bonnie's help.

"Are you sure about this?" Clemont asked his little sister uneasy.

"Of course I'm sure. Now get over there and confess how you feel!" Bonnie demanded and pushed him further into the shop before running away.

Clemont gulped and took another step. He walked around the corn, ready to tell the dirty blond how he feels. However, he saw Ash and Serena hugging. Sure, it could have been a friend hug, but by the blush on Serena's cheeks and that they looked like they had stayed there a while.

"I knew I didn't have a chance." Clemont muttered, dropped the bouquet and walked away.

Back with Serena and Ash, they finally parted. "I think I love you Serena." Ash smiled warmly.

Serena smiled brightly, her blush turning darker. "Oh, Ash."

"Hey Ash?" Dawn greeted. "What are you doing?"

"Hold on Serena, I need to take care of this." Ash whispered to her. Ash turned and walked to Dawn. "Listen Dawn, we need to talk."

"Ok, what do you want to talk about?" Dawn smiled cheerily.

"This isn't working. I don't want to be with you anymore." Ash stated blankly.

" what?" Dawn questioned, her smile vanished.

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