Who I really love- rivalcrush to Redvine/Geekchic

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Ok so, I came up with this idea when I was struggling to decide between ships. But in the end, I love Geekchicshipping and Redvineshipping more but I do still like rivalcrush. I hope you enjoy!


After Gary's failed attempts to get Zoey's attention, and Serena unable to have Ash, since he had a girlfriend, they were both hurt and lonely. By some coincidence, Serna and Gary bumped into each other and reconnected.

At first, they just talked and hung out, bonding over their shared heartbreak. They spent a lot of time together and even started dating. Gary and Serena finally felt happy and were comfortable with each other. Everything was great.

They just had to tell their friends the excellent news. So, they invited them to a little gathering and broke the news.

"Ok, now that everyone is here, we have an announcement to make." Gary began. "Do you want to tell them?"

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. Serena giggled as she leaned into him and nodded.

"We are dating!" Serena beamed.

It was a bit of a surprise to their friends, especially Zoey and Clemont, but everyone was happy for them nonetheless. They got many congratulations that day but there was more than that to come.

A few days had passed and the new couple had decided to spend the day with some of their friends. Though, they both noticed one friend in particular was avoiding them. So, they decided to get to the bottom of it.

"Hey Clemont, wait." Serena ran up to him.

The blond boy turned around to face her, his features held a mixture confusion and slight sadness.

"What is it?" Clemont asked.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Serena asked. "Every time I'm around...I feel like you don't wanted to be near me. Did I do something wrong? Do you not want to be friends anymore?"

"It's...it's not that." Clemont shook his head and looked away. "I just...I need some time."

"Time?" Serena repeated, trying to make sense of this.

"Truth be told..." Clemont met her gaze. "I have feelings for you...I'm in love with you."

Serena's eyes widened in shock. She had no idea he felt that way.

"You do?" Serena squeaked out.

"Yes." Clemont nodded. "I am and honestly, it hurts seeing you with someone else but...he makes you happy and that's what is more important. I can't even bring myself to get mad about it. After all, I never had the courage to tell you. So...I just need a bit of time to move on and I'm sure everything will fall back into place. You can always talk to me if you need but I just need some time."

"O-ok. I...I can give you that. Just...don't take to long. I miss you." Serena said.

"Yeah." Clemont nodded slowly. "See you later, Serena."

Clemont turned quickly and walked away, for if he stayed any longer, he would only be in more pain. Serena stood there a while longer. Her mind went over what Clemont had said and her own jumbled thoughts on all this. It left her with a lot to think about.

Meanwhile, Gary also noticed that Zoey was keeping her distance as well. Which concerned him because even when he was trying to win her over, she was still a close friend to him. So, what was the problem?

"Zoey, can we talk?" Gary asked.

"Sure. What do you need?" Zoey replied.

"What happened? Why have you been acting so strange? Did I do something?" Gary placed a hand on her shoulder.

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