The set up- Pearl/Contest/Geekchic/Fourthwheel

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"Do we have the invitations made?" Bonnie paced, checking off the list on her clip board.

"Yes." Max answered.

"Have they been sent?"


"Do we have the place?"


"The food?"

"Of course."

"The blindfolds?"

"Weirdly enough, they were the first things we got. So, yes."

"Great! That's everything on my list." Bonnie beamed tossing her clipboard to the side. "Now we just need disguises and this set up can get underway." She rubbed her hands together.

"Remind me again, why we are doing this? Scratch that. How did you rope me into this?" Max asked, still baffled he was going along with the girls plan.

"Well, I 'roped you into this' with my clever reasoning and that we are without a doubt, best friends. Also, we are doing this so all of them will stop beating around the bush and finally confess their true feelings." Bonnie explained. Max raised an eyebrow. "What? You said so yourself that you were tired of May and Drew avoiding their feelings. That's mostly why you agreed."

"Maybe, but why does it have to be so complicated?" Max argued.

"Because it wouldn't be fun otherwise." Bonnie chirped. "Now let's go! There is still so much to do before tomorrow." She darted our of the room, going on and on about the big set up.

Max stood up from his seat and followed her out. He still wasn't sure why he was doing this, ok, maybe he did have some idea, but she didn't need to know that.

Bonnie lead them to a little costume shop. As they looked at different outfits, Bonnie continued on with the plan.

"So, I think I should handle Drew and May, because they haven't seen me enough to recognize me. You could do Serena and Clemont, though I still haven't decided which one of them will be eating blind. As for Ash and Dawn, it could go either way. Dawn doesn't really know either of us, so it should be fine." Bonnie then walked out the dressing room, dressed as a waiter but had an orange wig and green glasses. "So, how do I look?"

Max blinked in surprise. She did manage to look pretty different from the few things she found. "Fine. I'm sure they wouldn't recognize you."

"Perfect! Now you." Bonnie shoved him into the dressing room.

While he was changing, Bonnie took her costume off, revealing her new style of pink, white, and black. Just as she turned, Max walked out with a black wig and a waiter outfit of his own.

"Am I unrecognizable enough?" Max questioned.

"Hm. It's missing something." Bonnie tapped her chin in thought. "I know!"

She then reached up and stuck a fake mustache on him. Once in place, Bonnie couldn't help but giggle. Max turned to look himself in the full length mirror with the mustache.

"Ha ha. Very funny, but I think I'm a little young to grow facial hair." Max stated, removing the mustache.

"What! No please keep it. I'm sure 14 year old boys can grow facial hair, but even so, no one has to know and it looks good on you." Bonnie remarked.

"Fine." Max put the mustache back on. "But if I mustache you a favor in the future, I expect it be toupee-ed in full. But, I know you're busy Mullet-ing over your plan so, I'll shave it for later."

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