Confessing at the wrong time- Pearl/Geekchic

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As Ash and the gang entered the next town, they heard about a grand festival and a lovely fireworks show that would take place later that night.

"Wow! Can we stay for the festival? I really want to see it." Bonnie begged.

"Sure. It sounds like fun." Ash remarked.

"Yay! Let's go!" Bonnie exclaimed.

"Hold on. We should get our rooms at the Pokémon center first. Who knows how busy it's going to be." Clemont reasoned.

They all nodded and went to the Pokémon center. Once they were checked in, they went to their rooms to put their things away. Though, Bonnie had an interesting idea for her brother.

"Hey Clemont, since we are going to a festival and a fireworks show is super romantic, are you going to ask Serena to be your date?" Bonnie asked.

"What!" Clemont shot up and hit his heat on a shelf. He rubbed the sore spot as he glared at his sister. "Why would I do something like that?"

"Oh come on Clemont." Bonnie groaned. "It's obvious to everyone but her, and probably Ash because he is super dense. But now would be the perfect time to tell her."

"No, it's a bad idea." Clemont looked away, trying to busy himself.

"But Clemont-"

"Please just drop it Bonnie." Clemont interrupted.

After a few minutes of thinking of some argument as to why he should tell her, Bonnie came up dry.

"Fine." Bonnie pouted. She turned to walk out the door, but paused. "But you know Clemont, telling her might make you feel better." Then she was gone.

Clemont gave a sigh but continued to unpack his things. Though he did think about what Bonnie had said.

Little did any of them know, someone else was joining the festival.

The time for the festival had come and the four of them had gone out to enjoy all the fun. They played games, ate yummy food and just had a blast.

"Wow! This is great. What should we do next?" Ash asked his friends. Though, before any of them could reply, something caught Pikachu's attention. "What is it buddy?"

"Pika!" Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulder and ran into the crowd.

"Pikachu, where are you going?" Ash ran after him. Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie followed close behind. They caught up to Pikachu just as he greeted an all to familiar Piplup. "A Piplup? Does that mean..."

"There you are Piplup!"

Ash smiled brightly as he saw Dawn appear from the crowd.

"Dawn!" Ash exclaimed in excitement.

"Ash!" Dawn beamed. They ran up and embraced. "It's so good to see you. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." Ash smiled. He pulled back. "Do you want to come with us? It would be great to catch up."

"I'd love to." Dawn remarked.

"Great! Let's go!" Ash took her hand and pulled her along to other booth.

Their Pokémon and the rest of the gang went after them. They continued to have a ton of fun, but Ash and Dawn never left each other's side. It actually got to the point where Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie lost sight of them.

"Looks like it is just going to be the three of us." Bonnie remarked.

"Yeah." Serena muttered. "Um...I'll be right back. I'm going to go get a snack. You two want anything?"

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