True confessions- Pearl/Geekchic

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Ash Ketchum stood to the side of the small party of his friends and their dates. Misty brought her boyfriend Tracey, May brought her boyfriend Drew, Brock brought his girlfriend Olivia, Iris brought her boyfriend Trip, Cilan brought his girlfriend Burgundy, but plus a few others. Although, three of his friends were still single and Ash was grateful that one of them was.

Everyone was dancing, minis Ash. He was watching all his friends, one in particular. He was trying to work up the courage to tell her how he feels, but he quickly realized it was harder then he thought. This wasn't like facing a gym leader, nope, it was much more intense, almost frightening. He couldn't screw it up.

Serena, suddenly, noticed him off to the side and approached him, thinking something was wrong.

"Hi Ash." Serena greeted.

"Oh, hey Serena." Ash replied.

"What are you doing over here all by yourself?" Serena asked.

"Just thinking." Ash answered.

"About?" Serena pressed.

Ash took in a breath, unsure of he should share such information with her or not.

'Should I tell her? Hmm, she might be able to help though. Yeah, Serena can help me with this.' Ash though. "Can I ask your advice?"

"Sure." Serena smiled.

"How do I tell a girl how I feel about her?" Ash asked her.

A bright blush stained Serena's cheeks. 'Is he...trying to tell me! Aw! That's so sweet!' Serena squealed in her mind. 'I'll just play along until he wants to tell me.' "Well, it's best to be direct. Be open about it. But, I'm sure she wouldn't say no to a bit of romance."

"Romance?" Ash wondered.

"Yeah, it will definitely help, but I'm sure you don't have to worry to much." Serena commented.

"You really think so?" Ash hoped.

"I'm absolutely sure." Serena guaranteed.

"Thanks Serena." Ash smiled.

After a few moments, Serena wanted to hurry along with the confession, so she asked. "So, what is this girl of yours like? Is she here? Are you two close? Is she pretty?"

Ash sheepishly scratched the back of his head as a blush appeared on his cheeks. "Well, yeah, she is here. And yeah, we are really close, she is one of my best friends. She isn't just pretty, she is the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen." Ash paused, as he gave a content sigh and added "She is one of the most amazing girls I have ever met. We support each other through everything, no matter what. The way her beautiful blue eyes sparkle and her bright contagious smile. She is just so strong and talented and...I...Love her."

Serena's blush had turned several shades darker as he spoke. Her eyes shimmered with emotion and a smile curved up her lips. "Yeah, that would do it. W-who is she?"

"It's Dawn." Ash replied.

Serena felt her heart shattered. 'It's...not me...why? Why couldn't he pick me? I...I thought he was describing me this whole time.' Despite her heartbreak, she managed to smile for him. "Dawn is a lucky girl. I think if you just told her what you just told me, then you will be just fine."

"Thanks Serena." Ash smiled. "I'll give it a try. Wish me luck."

"Good luck." Serena chirped.

Ash then walked off to go tell Dawn. Serena watched as Ash pulled Dawn aside. He looked so nervous as he spoke, a blush covered his cheeks, but as he spoke Dawn lit up. Her hands clasped together and a smile gracing her face. She hugged him tight after he stopped talking. Even though the performer couldn't hear them, she knew Dawn returned his feelings.

"Oh Ash, you have no idea how happy you just made me!" Dawn cheered, her hands clasped together. She then hugged him "I always hoped you felt the same way."

"Of course Dawn. I'm just glad you didn't find someone else." Ash remarked.

"There is no one else." Dawn whispered and kissed his cheek. "I love you too."

Ash gave a warm smile. "Let's go back to the party."

"Ok." Dawn returned the smile.

So Ash lead her back, hand in hand.

Serena turned away from the sight, a few tears falling freely down her face. "Oh, Ash." She whimpered.

A few feet away Bonnie, was trying to make her brother to talk to Serena.

"Come on Clemont. Just do it!" Bonnie grunted.

"Bonnie!" Clemont protested.

"Just...go!" Bonnie shoved him towards the dirty blonde.

Clemont stumbled a bit, but did approach the blonde, nervously. At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but as he came closer, he heard her crying.

"Serena, what is wrong?" Clemont asked. Serena didn't reply, she ran off. "Wait! Serena!" Clemont called after her. He tried to follow her, but she was faster than he was.

After some time, Clemont caught up up to her. She was sitting on a stump, crying.

"Serena? What's...wrong?" Clemont panted.

"Ash...he...loves one loves me!" Serena sobbed.

Clemont felt horrible for her, even though he knew she was wrong. Clemont knelt in front of her and gently tucked a loss piece of hair behind her ear.

"You're wrong, Serena." Clemont began.

"What?" She choked out.

He took in a deep breath to help sustain his fleeting courage. "Ash isn't the only guy out there. There is more to you than just being with Ash. There are others that will love you, for just being you."

"I know, but..." Serena trailed off, still very sad.

Clemont sighed. He knew the only way she was going to feel better is if she knew someone did truly love her.

"Serena, I know this might not help, especially coming from me, but I have to tell you. I have fallen in love with you." Clemont confesses. He averted gaze from her, as a blush came up his face.

"Really?" Serena asked, surprised.

"Yeah, I do. You...are just so amazing. All the time we spend together, while you were hanging out with Bonnie, I noticed how sweet and kind you are. It didn't take to long for me fall in love with you. However, it did take me a while to realize it." Clemont admitted. He took a breath. "I know it doesn't mean much, but I thought you should know that there is someone who does really love you." He stood. "I'm going back to the party."

He didn't get very far before Serena stopped him. "Clemont, wait!" She grabbed a hold of his arm. His eyes locked with hers, unsure of what she would say.

"What is it?" Clemont asked.

"I...I feel the same way. I really do, I'm just sorry I was too blinded by Ash to notice." Serena smiled.

The two stared at each other, slowly smiling at each other. They leaned forward a gave a small kiss on the lips.

"Let's head back to the party." Serena cooed.

"Sure." Clemont remarked.

So they walked back to the party, hand in hand. The new couple arrived back at the party, a new found happiness. Serena glanced at Ash and he noticed. He waved and gestured to Dawn, as if to show she accepted. Serena smiled and did the same with Clemont. Ash gave a thumbs up in response. The party continued on for a while, everyone just spending time together.


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