Didn't think I had a chance- Oranges/slight poke+ego

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It seems like it's been so long since I left Ash's side. Sure we bickered and fought like dogs, but those are some of my best memories. Despite that, we became an item through out our travels and even some time after he went to Hoenn.

However, we broke up. It was nothing big or overly dramatic and I wasn't mad. I know. Me, not mad at Ash Ketchum. Hard to believe. But there was nothing to be mad about, it was mutual. I can still remember everything like it was yesterday.


I remember I was video chatting with Ash. He was telling me about his new traveling companions and all the new Pokémon. We joked and teased each other, but I think we knew the distance was getting to us. It didn't feel the same talking to him, it hadn't for a while.

"Hey Ash?" I interjected, my tone more somber than I intended.

"Yeah? What's up?" Ash asked, concerned.

"I...I think things should go back." I replied.

"Go back? Back to what?" Ash questioned, tilting his head.

"To being friends...just friends." I clarified. He was silent, his head titled down so I couldn't see his face. "I know we are growing apart. It happens with so much distance and I don't want to stop you. I really care about you Ash...just not that way anymore." He still wasn't saying anything. "Ash, can you please look at me?" I put my hand on the screen.

"Thank you Misty." Ash finally remarked, meeting her gaze. "You're right. I miss you, but...we shouldn't hold each other back." He placed his hand on the screen with mine. "We will always be friends though, right?"

"You couldn't stop me." I smiled.

End of flashback

So, that was my breakup with Ash. Yes I was heartbroken at the time. He was my first love, but looking back I'm glad we broke up. We are friends again. Plus I'm sure he had a small crush on May, but the poor boy would soon realize that May's heart belonged to someone else. Now he is traveling even more but still has his heart on his blue haired bff. Not that he knows that.

After that it wasn't long before someone else worked their way into my life. Gary Oak. Yeah, it surprised me too, but he spent so much time with me. I couldn't help but fall for his charm. I always laugh when I remember how he asked me out.


"So, Misty you got any plans later?" Gary asked, walking into her gym.

"That's an interesting greeting." I remarked, coming out from the pool. "But, to answer your question I am supposed to be at rehearsal for the mermaid show. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, just wondering." Gary answered. "I might stop by to watch if you don't mind."

"I don't mind." I smiled to him.

"Great, I'll see you then." Gary guaranteed then left the gym.

At the time I didn't think anything of it. Later in the day, just as I about to get dressed for the rehearsal Gary ran out onto the stage dressed as the prince. He walked up to me with his charming smile.

"My fair lady." Gray he took my hand and lightly kissed the back of it. I felt my face heat up at the gesture. "Would a beautiful young lady do this poor fool the honor of going on a date, tomorrow?"

I couldn't help but giggle. "Yes. I'd like that."

End of flashback

That night he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was happy to say yes. We had a lot of fun together, but unfortunately we broke up too. As time went on, as we grew up, we grew apart. He took more of an interest in research like his grandfather. With the celebrity name of Oak, many labs and universities wanted him to study with them. It was a dream come true for Gary and he didn't want me to wait for him.

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