1: new school, same theo

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Theo had always hated starting new schools. He couldn't remember a time he'd ever stayed at a school for more than a year- at any mention of him being bullied his mother would pull him out. Therefore, he was shipped off to new schools quite often, the bullying wouldn't stop and became harder to hide as the beatings worsened. Not only was he openly pansexual, but also the scrawniest kid to ever walk into a high school. To put it simply, an easy target. So, the cycle continued.

He let out a sad sigh, staring at the second new high school he'd be starting this year that loomed before him. A few kids passed by Theo, chatting and laughing together. He caught a few stares as he entered the building, heading straight to the front office without looking up from his feet. The halls were packed with various high schoolers waiting for class to start, opening their lockers and aimlessly talking. The office wasn't hard to find, which was definitely a relief. Despite that, he waited outside for a second before entering, dread overwhelming him like a tsunami.

    "Hello, Mr. Benson, welcome to our school!" Called the principal, welcoming him into his school and beckoning to the empty seat in front of his desk. A boy sat in the chair next to it, his arms and legs crossed with a look of annoyance obviously displayed across his face. The office was cramped and humid, stifling the short breaths Theo found himself taking. He sat in his appointed chair, pushing his big round glasses farther up his face.

      "Hi," Theo murmured, staring at his feet. He was always awkward when meeting new people, a discomfort he'd tried and failed to overcome. He'd had little to no good interactions with anyone in his two years of high school, and didn't expect this school to be any different from the rest.

       "I still don't understand why I have to do this," said the boy sitting next to him, leaning forward in his chair. As he did, his lengthy blonde hair fell in his face and he moved his elbows to his knees. "I mean, all the other new kids never get tour guides!"

       "You're not going to be Theo's 'tour guide', you're simply going to show him around the school and answer his questions. You'll be his new friend!" Replied the principal, his voice taught. It was clear they'd been discussing this prior to Theo's entrance.

        "Oh yeah, like that'll work. All of the other new kids just get thrown into the school! Why's he different? And Jesus, why me?"

        "They all started in the beginning of the year, he's starting three months in." The boy rolled his eyes and looked away, crossing his arms once again. "Anyways, this is Tanner Walsh. He's not as rude as he seems, surprisingly, I don't know why he's being such a grump." The principal gave him an annoyed look, shaking his head.

       "I don't wanna show some new kid around the school!" Tanner snapped as Theo rolled his eyes.

       "Well, I'd rather not be shown around by someone like you," Theo coldly replied, tired of this boy's ego and terrible mood. Tanner glared at him, appearing a bit surprised. Theo could just guess his thoughts: does this PEASANT dare talk in such ways to THE Tanner Walsh?

        "Hey, you two, stop arguing. This isn't up for debate. Tanner, I expect for you to be kind. Now get to class, both of you. I hope you like Silverleaf High, Theo." The two boys stood up, avoiding each other to the best of their abilities in the tiny room. Theo nodded his goodbye to the principal, following Tanner out. The second the door closed, Tanner spun around angrily.

        "What the fuck was that?" He hissed quietly, balling his fists and glaring at Theo furiously.

       "Why don't you tell me? You were the one being an asshole for no reason, I've never even met you!" Theo retaliated, throwing up his hands in annoyance. Tanner rolled his eyes, again.

       "Oh, shut up. I'm not fucking showing you around school, I've got better things to do." Theo shrugged in reply, a pang of worry as to how he'd manage finding his way about tightening his stomach.

       "Fine, like I care. I'll skip out on dealing with an asshole like you." He spun around, angrily storming away with balled fists swinging at his sides.

Great start to my first day.


       "Hey, do you mind showing me to period one ACP biology?" Theo asked as he quickly walked up to a girl standing by the lockers. She looked up at him, a bit surprised, and then gestured down the hall. "Thanks." He dashed into the room she gestured to, trying not to panic at the thought of being late for his first class.

        "Oh, hello." The teacher glanced at him with a disapproving stare, looking him up and down. "I presume that you're Theo?" He nodded, wincing. "Take a seat." Theo slowly walked to a seat in the back of the class, embarrassment flustering his cheeks. He felt everyone in the room staring at him but tried to ignore it, painfully failing. The teacher wrote something on the board that Theo absentmindedly scribbled into his notebook.

          "Look who it is. Late to your first class?" Theo sighed, turning to his left. Tanner sat next to him, glaring at him with unnecessary annoyance. He was leaning so far back in his chair it had practically fallen over already.

         "That's your fault! You have my schedule, I had to go through all my emails to track down my virtual directory," Theo hissed, trying to ignore Tanner. "Please don't talk to me." Tanner rolled his eyes, opening a notebook and grabbing his pencil.

         "Like I have a choice. Principal Pajafi noticed that I left you and got pissed."

        "That doesn't mean we have to talk," Theo replied, not even looking up from his notebook.

        "Fair." Tanner seemed a bit too annoyed, Theo didn't quite understand why.

       "What's this teacher's name?" Tanner rolled his eyes, glaring at him.

       "I thought we didn't have to talk."

       "I thought you were supposed to 'show me around school' and 'answer all my questions.'"

       "Fine. She's Ms. LeeAnn." Theo nodded, looking back at his notebook.


      "Just don't talk to me."

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