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Requested by karakulah16

*Andy's POV*
Today was the first time we were filming a Q&A with Sonny. It was also the first Q&A we would have filmed in awhile. I took my seat in the middle of the couch as Robbie started filming. Rye jumped in next to me, and Jack followed on the opposite side. Brooklyn jumped in next laying across Rye and finally Sonny jumped in. "Hi," I said looking straight at the camera, "We're Roadtrip," everyone else said with me and we all just laughed as everyone got situated into a normal position.

"So out of popular request, we decided to do a Q&A with Sonny," I said and the boys all cheered, "So let's get this started," I said pulling out my phone and opening Twitter.

"What is your favorite moment as a band?" I asked and looked straight at Sonny, "Probably the Manchester show of our Dynamite EP tour. The crowd was massive and it was just incredible," he said and all of us nodded in agreement. I waited for everyone else to answer before finally putting in my answer, "Mine is and probably will be for a while, when the guitar cut out during Stranger. It was just an incredible moment," I said and I could see everyone but Sonny nodding. So I moved onto the next question.

"What is your least favorite thing about each of the members?" I said and everyone instantly started laughing. "Don't worry, I'll go first on this one," I started and everyone turned towards me, "My least favorite thing about Brooklyn is how he acts like the baby of the group when we all know Jack is," I said. Jack started blushing immediately. "I am not the baby," he instantly denied.

*Jack's POV*
I hated this. I may be the baby around them but I didn't want that attention on me. "Me being the youngest does not make me the baby," I said leaning back with my arms crossed. "Aww look at little Jacky now," Andy said and Sonny squeezed my shoulder. I just moved away from him. "Next question, please," I said and Andy just laughed before moving on.

"How old is everyone in the band?" he said. Of course another question that's just going to make me be the baby. "I'm twenty," Brooklyn said. "I'm Twenty-three," Rye said next. "I am Twenty-five years young," Andy said after Rye. "I'm nineteen," I said. "And I'm also Twenty-three," Sonny said. "So if you can tell, Jack really is the baby," Brooklyn said and I could feel myself blushing even more. "I'm not," I said and Andy was the first to reply, "You very much are. You just don't like showing it in front of the fans." I felt like my face was on fire now.

I felt Andy take my hand still even with the cameras rolling. Everyone knew we were an intimate band so it wasn't something that was going to really surprise everyone they just didn't know the full depths of it. For all of them I really was the baby and they were right, I hated showing it in front of the fans. Brooklyn was always good at that and I was grateful for it. But right now that all everyone was being focused on.

"I am still not the baby. That's Brooklyn," I said as I motioned towards him. He was once again doing something unexplain about that only Brooklyn would do. "Jack stop denying it," Rye said glancing over at Brook quickly before looking at me. "You're the baby and we all know that," Sonny said and decided to just hide myself as best as I could for the rest of the video.

"Aww, look at baby Jacky," Andy or Brook would comment after a little while as the Q&A went on.

"What's your favorite thing about each member?" Andy asked. "My favorite thing about Rye is how calm he really can be in every situation," Brooklyn started, "I love how compassionate Andy is about everything and I love that how sweet Jack. My favorite thing about Sonny is how much he fits in with the crazy lot of us," Brook say and I knew my face was once again red. "I love how innocent Brook is without being that innocent. I love how generous Andy is even though sometimes he acts like a prick, I love how much of a baby Jack really is behind closed doors. He really does not want people to see him like that but it's so sweet," Rye says and I was now sinking further into my hoodie just trying to hide myself from all of them.

"I love how all of you are always there for me, not matter what," I said quickly wanting to stay hidden from everyone as much as I could. I didn't listen to what Andy or Sonny had to say knowing they'd probably point out something about me being a baby again.

"Okay, so that's all we're gonna do for today," Andy says and I sigh in relief pulling myself out from my hoodie. "Peace and Love," Andy started, "See you on the Gib side," Brooklyn quickly added. Andy was up in seconds attacking Brooklyn causing us all to laugh. Rye finished the outro and we were finally done.

I tried to get up but got pulled down onto Sonny's lap. "You know you don't have to be embarrassed about being the baby of all of us. It's quite adorable," he said. "It really is," Andy said plopping next to Sonny and kissing me on the cheek. "We all love it," Rye said. Brooklyn came up to me next pulling me off Sonny's lap and kissing me softly, "Just like we love you," he said with a very large smile.

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