🙈Panic Attack🌵

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*Brooklyn's POV*
Why does seem to always get like this when I'm alone?

So anxious. Like nothing with ever go my way. Like I will never be good enough for anyone.

I just wanted to cry.

I could call the boys but they were all out having fun. Well besides Andy. He was on his way back from visiting his mom. But he won't be here for awhile.

I walked downstairs and tried to find something to eat. I wasn't hungry but sometimes eating just helped. I reached the fridge and I could see my hand shaking. It was shaking immensely. I just felt cold but my body was sweating.

I just must be sick. I kept telling myself that as I ditched the idea of food and went to the couch to lay down.

I was just going to lay down for just a couple minutes and I'd be fine. I would be okay.

I... I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. My body was shaking so badly.

I felt my chest tightening and I was gasping for air. I couldn't think straight. It was like every rational thought left my head.

I just wanted to breath but the more I thought about wanting to breath the more it made me realize that I couldn't.

It made my panic more and my hands were by my throat trying to pull away the invisible force making it hard to breathe.

I hit the floor then. I just have fallen off the couch. No... I was standing up. No... I don't remember.

I had to stop this. Someone was going to be home soon. Someone. Who? No... No one was coming home.

Someone had to come home. No... No one is coming home.

No one is going to save me. I'm dying. I'm going to suffocate. I'm going to die alone.

The tears were hot as they streamed down my face. My body was growing cold. I was getting so cold. But the pain in my chest was just growing by the second.

Each second it grew the harder it got to breathe. The edges of my vision were black and it was trying to take over my entire vision.

I couldn't let it. But it was almost a welcoming blackness. A darkness of nothing.

Maybe I could call someone. I tried to look around my but I couldn't focus. My hands felt like they were floating around me.

I heard the door open. Maybe it was the door but it couldn't have been my mind.

I don't know. I just want this to stop. So I closed my eyes. Maybe the darkness would just take over.

"Brooklyn!" I heard someone yell. It was a familiar voice but my mind just couldn't focus on that. But that was my name the person was calling.

"Please, open your eyes. You need to focus. Just open your eyes please," the person said. I could tell he was worried so I did what he said and he smiled a little.

It was Andy. Andy was here now. "Hey. Shh. Everything will be okay," he said and his hand was in my hair and he was trying to calm me down.

No. Andy wasn't here. It was a trick. My mind was just trying to trick me. J was going insane. I... I felt someone's lips on mine and I gasped.

The air entered my body then and I could breathe again. My lungs hurt. My entire chest burned. It made more  tears falling out of my eyes.

"Shh. You're okay now," Andy said and he pulled me into his lap. My body instantly curled into him. But I still couldn't stop myself from crying. The panic was gone but the pain was still there.

"I-it hurts," I stuttered out. "Shh, I know it does. But you need to just close your eyes and sleep. You need to let yourself relax," he said. I shook my head. "Please Brooklyn. Just listen to me for once," he said and I could see the desperation in his eyes.

"I know how you feel right now Brookie. You just had a panic attack and from how you're acting I'm going to assume it was your first. You need to rest," he said and I just nodded holding onto him.

"Let's get you upstairs first though. The boys will worry if they see you like this and I don't want you panicking again," he said and I just nodded. He helped me stand up but I felt so weak.

I cried to take a step but I was completely wobbly. I felt myself stumbling. Andy was quick to grab me before I fell to the ground.

He picked me up again and I buried my face into his neck as he carried me up to his room. He laid me on his bed. "You get some rest. I'll go back downstairs. The boys should be here soon," he said but I was shaking my head. "S-stay," I managed to get out.

I thought he would say no. I thought he was just going to walk out but instead he pulled of his shirt leaving the sweatpants he had on on. He crawled in next to me. "You are still burning up Brookie," he said kissing my forehead.

I just moved and laid my head on his chest. I was so tired but I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to stay awake with Andy. "B, you need to sleep. Please sleep for me," he said kissing my head. 

"I-I don't want to," I stuttered. My voice sounded to scratchy and so weak. "Please just sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up. I'm not going anywhere," he said and I sighed giving in. I closed my eyes and he kissed the top of my head again.

I smiled slightly as I felt myself finally drifting off.

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