Rainy Day

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I really love the rain. The only thing wrong with it is that you can't go outside. Without the fact that I can't go outside, I love the calmness of rainy days.

In class, we did some very simple work in Math and English. I felt very lazy for the whole morning. Luckily, I didn't have any encounters with Sabrina. Yet.

I was slowly walking to my last class before lunch, Science. I let my mind wander to thoughts about Jackson. I had no idea, but my mind kept floating over to Jackson-Land. My crush was starting to get a little ridiculous. Then, reality hit me like a ton of bricks.

I glanced over to the loud, obnoxious laughing that snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh my gosh! Ha ha ha ha! Jackson, you're so funny. Omg, you should have your own talk show. You'd be so hot on TV too!" I witnessed Sabrina exclaim while flipping her hair dramatically and touching Jackson's shoulder every now and then. For one quick second, I thought I saw Sabrina smirk at me and look back at Jackson quickly.

After that, I bowed my head and began speed walking to my Science to class.

As soon as the lunch bell rang, I grabbed my books and binders, and I shuffled to my locker. I grabbed my phone before locking my locker and texted Patty to tell her I would meet my friends in lunch room.

Luckily, there was no one else in the washroom. I leaned on the bathroom and cried my eyes out. It felt better to let my emotions out. I could feel the tears rushing down my face, almost in a race to fall. On cue, my nose ran and I reached over to the paper towel dispenser. I imagined watching my life from the outside. I pictured sitting on a couch and watching myself cry from a TV screen. It was a strange thought. I decided to splash my face with some water and wipe my eyes.

When I was done, I told myself to be strong and to not let Sabrina get to me anymore.

"Hey! Sorry I was late, I had to stay in my class to finish some work." It was a believable lie in my opinion. I mean, they couldn't have looked in my classroom. Or did they?

"Oh. That's ok. We thought you were going home sick or that you were in trouble or something." Stephanie mumbled. I think the weather was making her awfully quiet today.

"Yeah! We were like, freaking out!" Patty stated dramatically.

"Ok. Pat, thank you for demonstrating an A+ drama performance. I'm fine. Geez you guys are always so worried!" I said.

"No we're not! We just really like you and don't want you to die!" Patty was on a roll with the drama today.

I laughed at Patty's insanity.

"Pat, don't get offended, but you are hella crazy." I said while giggling.

Our lunch continued as usual, with our crazy conversations and
occasionally exchanging our food. I nearly forgot about the Sabrina situation, until I saw her.

I watched as Sabrina sashayed by with confidence that you could almost taste. Her ego was bigger than her teased hair and she wasn't hesitant to display it to the whole school. Today, her hair was in a sleek ponytail and her hair was dyed green at the tips. Sometimes, I felt like yanking her hair. I know I would never do that, but I'm still tempted to. I was blessed with the privilege that she wasn't in my class.

"How's it going, lover girl?" Sabrina taunted.

"What?" I quickly snapped.

"Oh, don't be stupid. I saw you fantasizing over Jackson in the hall this morning. You're so in love with him." She had that one right, but I couldn't let her walk away knowing she won.

"Are you crazy? He's dating Elena! Don't worry about me because I know who's really in love with him... Don't be stupid, I saw you flirting with Jackson in the hall this morning." I mocked her evil tone and finished my statement off with a devilish smirk.
"Oh. I'm sorry, Sabrina but I know your dirty secret. Not that it's much of a secret.." I trailed off. Then, I pivoted on my heel and I sashayed away this time.

The afternoon sped by. Plus, I was feeling extra confident after what I said to Sabrina. I smiled the rest of the day, and I can honestly say that it felt great.

I walked home with Mary, and I was grateful that it didn't rain. All I wanted to do was go home and curl up to watch a Netflix marathon. I didn't have any homework, so I had the night to chill.

"Bye Sasha! Make sure you come to the second tryout tomorrow after school." Mary called as I waved goodbye and we parted our separate ways to go home. Sadly, Mom or Dad couldn't drive me home everyday because they were both very busy trying to find full-time jobs to support our income. Of course my parents still made money from the company, but it wasn't enough to last because they weren't working in the stores anymore. My parents had small day jobs, but not anything permanent.

I finally reached my house and turned my key in the lock. I decided on watching TV to let all the struggles of reality fade with the hilarious characters and stories.

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