Gobble Gobble!

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I looked up at the clock and literally counted down the seconds until the bell rang.

5. 4. 3. 2. 1.


"Yes!" I whisper screamed to myself.

It was Friday, and it was the Thanksgiving long weekend! I was ecstatic because I was going to a fall carnival with my family and, of course I was having the most delicious turkey dinner ever! I couldn't wait to leave Westwood for the weekend and forget about the drama.

I walked home from school with my earbuds in. I thought some music might make my mood even happier. I was listening to Daddy's Lambo by YelaWolf. I swaggered down the streets to YelaWolf's catchy song while bobbing my head lightly.

When I got home, I changed into some comfy clothes and grabbed my phone to text my Mom. I sent quick message telling her that I was at home. Just as I was about to go on my laptop, I heard my phone ring. It was strange because the ringtone that was playing wasn't one of the ones for anyone I knew. I figured it was an unknown caller or a wrong number, so I let the phone keep ringing. I set my phone down again and proceeded to use my laptop. Once again, I heard the generic ring come from my phone. This time I picked my phone up and looked at the screen to see who was calling. It didn't like a long distance call because it had the same area code, but I still hesitated. Finally, I guessed that one of my friends got a new phone and was trying to reach me. I pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" I slowly asked.

"Hi. Is this Sasha?" The caller answered. They had a low voice, but it was still youthful. I could hear noise in the background, but I couldn't make out what it was exactly.

"Hey.. uh, do I know you?" I interrogated a little further.

"Nope. Well, not me. You know my brother, though. You know him very well..." This was getting very creepy. I contemplated hanging up, but my curiosity got the best of me.

"What? Who the hell are you?" I was starting to get frustrated and I assumed that the caller was just trying to get on my nerves.

"Okay. This will make a lot more sense to you in like, 20 seconds. Hold on." The caller said quickly. For a few seconds I heard more noises and yelling on the other line.

"Hello? I'm so sorry about my brother, he went into my room, found your number laying on my counter and pinned me down in his bed to prank call you." My heart skipped like, 5 consecutive beats. I'm not kidding at all. I knew this voice.

This voice was Jackson's.

"Jackson? What are you talking about?" I stammered quickly. This was probably the most awkward moment of my life.

"I'm sorry. My brother always does stupid stuff like this. He sat on top of me while he was calling you. He thinks we're in love or something. I've never had a girl's number before that's why." He explained.

"I didn't even give you my number! How did you get it?" I questioned. Not that I minded him having my number, but it was a little weird.

"Patty gave it to me. I guess you already left by the time she gave me your number. I thought you wanted me to have it. I could delete it if you want." He said. Did his voice sound sad at the end of his statement? I swear I heard a hint of sadness when he suggested that he deleted my number.

"No, um it's fine. I was just scared. I didn't know it was you." I felt myself blush. Ugh! He makes me so nervous!

"Oh. okay. I also was gonna call you to ask something?" He mumbled a bit at the end.

"Yeah?" My heart was beating so fast!

"Uh, Did you get the math homework? I missed what the page numbers were." Oh. That was his question.

"Yeah. Page 80 to 83." I answered quickly. I was extremely disappointed.

After that, I pressed the hang up button without saying bye. I couldn't believe he blew me off like that! I grabbed my pillow off my bed and whipped it at the ground. For the second time in 2 days, I started to cry.

"Sasha! I'm home!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I wiped my face with my sleeve and trudged down the stairs.

"Hi mom." I said.

"Hey, honey. Are you okay? Your eyes look puffy." My mom commented. I know she was just trying to comfort me, but I didn't care.

"I'm fine." I mumbled.

My mom started to walk into the kitchen and I sat down at the breakfast bar. It was actually an island with barstools, but that's what I liked to call it.

"I got an unknown call today." I stated.

"Really? Was it a wrong number because I'm always getting those." My Mom suggested. She seemed a little more patient today than usual. She was getting out her pots and pans to cook.

"Uh. no. It was a guy from my school. Well, it was actually his brother." I went on. "He just wanted to know the homework."

"Oh. Well, that's ok." I don't think she knew what to say.

"I'm going upstairs." I got off the chair and went back upstairs.

I chose to call Patty because I wanted to know why she gave Jackson my number.

"Pat?" I asked when she finally picked up.

"Oh hey Sasha! What's up?" Patty said.

"I'm just wondering why you gave Jackson my phone number.. That's all." I made it sound calm, but I was mad that she didn't ask me first.

"Oh. yeah... About that.. I was gonna tell you that Jackson asked for your number, but you were already gone. He also wouldn't wait till Monday. He must really like you." Patty said.

"Oh. It's too late now, anyways. He doesn't like me Pat. Quit saying that! He only called me to ask for the homework!" I said glumly.

"Look, Pat, I gotta go." I dismissed.

"Okay. Bye." She said.

I hung up and put my earbuds in. I wasn't going to let this drama ruin my weekend. I started to mouth the words to My Name Is by Eminem and bring back my cheery mood.

(2 Days later)

I had an amazing time at the fair with my family on Saturday. The rides were so fun and I got to eat lots of junk foods. I shared a delicious Funnel Cake with my cousin, and my Uncle had a deep fried Mars bar. My Mom and Dad went on a few rides with me too. I can't wait to have my Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow! My Mom is cooking it. A few family members are coming too. I'm just grateful that I don't have to see Uncle Scott or Aunt Tanya. They are staying in New York like every year. They never celebrate any holidays with the family. They don't even bother to send gifts on Christmas.

Anyways, I think I had one of the best weekends. Even despite Friday's drama, I still had fun with my family.

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