Back to school...

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On Monday morning , everyone was buzzing about the party. I walked past Sabrina and her friends on my way to my locker and they all starred at me. 'Why the hell are they so mad? Their the ones that called me a slut.' I thought to myself. I figured it wasn't worth it to argue with Sabrina anyway.

When I arrived at my locker, I was surprised to see that Steph, Mary, and Patty were all standing there waiting for me.

"Hey guys. What are you doing at my locker?" I asked with a yawn.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine." Mary said sarcastically.

"We need to talk to you about the party. We have a few things that you might want to hear." Said Steph, her voice getting high on the word "might".

"Meet us in the girls washroom after you drop your stuff off. We'll be in the washroom downstairs that no one ever goes in because we need some privacy." Patty ordered.

"Ok, I'll be there in 5." I replied.

I shoved my bag in my locker and grabbed my binders before closing the locker door. Then, I locked my locker and speed walked to the girls washroom.

"Okay, I'm here. What do you have to say so badly?" I said as I studied my friends faces.

"Ok, well, there's some rumours going around about you." Mary stated.

"Yeah? What are they saying?" I asked.

"Well, Sabrina told everybody that you were flirting with some guy in high school, that you were trying to steal Jackson from his girlfriend, Elena, and that you are a slutty whore." Steph said all at once.

"Jackson has a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yeah! They have been dating for a month now." Patty dished.

"Wait, if he has a girlfriend, how come she wasn't at the party with him?" I questioned curiously.

"Elena was sick for 3 days, so she skipped the party." Mary said.

"Except, we have a dirty little secret for you... We all think Jackson has a crush on you." Stephanie said with a wink.

"But, he has a girlfriend! How could you guys even think that?" I scolded.

"Let's be real, he likes you, Sasha. He asked you to dance, and everything!" Mary exclaimed.

Just then, the 2 minute bell rang. We all stood up, quickly grabbed our books and binders, and dashed up the stairs. We said bye to each other as we split up into our classrooms. Steph and I were in the same class, so we walked to class together.

Class was so boring that I was tempted to snooze. We were learning about algebra and how to solve equations. Since class was so boring, I decided to pull out my diary and clear my thoughts. I wondered if my friends were right. 'Did Jackson really like me?' I questioned myself. Then, I remembered how he was dating Elena. I seriously hoped Elena never finds out about Jackson and I dancing together! Now, everybody thinks I'm some whore that tried to steal Elena's boyfriend.

When I went to my locker at the end of the day, I caught Jackson approaching me.

"Hey." He said shyly.

"Hi, What do you want?" I demanded. I really just wanted to go home and forget about the party altogether.

"Whoa. Why are you so mad? I'm sorry to bother you." He said.

"If it's about the party, I don't wanna talk about it. I honestly don't care if you kissed Sabrina or not." I said. I was so annoyed at this point that I didn't care what I said to him.

He shuffled a little bit for a few seconds and then he locked his eyes with mine. "I've wanted to break up with Elena for a few days now. Our relationship isn't working out." Jackson admitted.

"Oh.. I didn't know. But, that doesn't mean you can just break up with her all of a sudden! What if she's going through a rough time? Maybe she just wants you to listen." I explained. I held my supportive gaze for a minute and then started to speak again. "She might just want you to help her out. To understand her feelings." I finished with a sympathetic smile.

"Ok. Thanks so much Sasha." Was all he said. Then, he pivoted on his heel and walked away.

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