Sasha's Pov

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I really need to tell Mom and Dad about Aunt Tanya. I don't know how, but I have to. After finishing that thought, I decided I would talk to my mom and dad when they got home from work. I focused on the chalkboard in front of me and let the school day proceed.

My heart started to thump in my chest as I heard the key unlocking the door. I said "hello" when they came in and sat down on the couch after that.

I simply couldn't wait anymore. I nervously stood up and walked over to where my mom was checking her phone.

"Mom? I need to tell you something important." I mumbled.

"What, honey? You need to speak up a bit." My mom prompted.

"I need to tell you something." I said, only this time a bit louder.

"Ok. I'm all ears." My mom stated cheerfully.

"Well, you know how I lived with Uncle Scott and Aunt Tanya in New York for a while?" I asked but I obviously knew her answer. I was just stalling. I started to shake my leg up and down out of anxiety.

"Yes, I'm aware of that. Anything else you wanted to tell me sweetie?" Mom questioned sweetly. She didn't quite seem bored with the conversation, but I could tell she was thinking of other things while I was speaking.

"Umm.. Well, the thing is, Aunt Tanya and Uncle Scott weren't really what you would call 'welcoming hosts'." I suggested shyly.

"Wait, did they do anything to you? Were they rude to at home? They didn't hit you, did they? They are not allowed to place their hands on you like that!" She exclaimed.

As soon as my mom finished her sentenced ended, as if on cue, the doorbell rang. Mom got up quickly and opened the door for my Dad as he squeezed through the door with many grocery bags in his hands.

"Honey, let me help you!" My mother insisted as she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I stayed sitting on the couch because I was so frustrated and I honestly didn't wanted to talk to anyone at all. I tried so hard to tell my mom what my relatives did to me. In return, my dad came and interrupted everything. I was about to spill the secret, too.

I went upstairs after quickly saying hello to my dad. When I went upstairs, I violently wrote in my diary. I ranted on and on about how angry I was, until my hand started to ache.

I felt much better after writing my feelings. The only counsellor I've had told me to use other outlets for my anger as opposed to violence.


"Sasha, are you okay dear?" Said Mrs. Baker.

"I'm fine." I replied simply, even though I wasn't at all fine. Deep inside I wanted to scream. I was angry because that was one of the mornings that Aunt Tanya had chosen to take her anger out on me. I was purposely wearing a long sleeve because I needed to cover the red mark from when Aunt Tanya grabbed my arm and hit it. I knew I couldn't tell anyone because it would result in even more pain. Therefore, I covered up the truth with generic lies like, "I fell off the monkey bars." or "I wasn't paying attention and walked into a pole."

Those reasons usually ended the conversation.

"Ok, that's fine. I've noticed you've been really down the last few days, is there any reason for that?" My teacher asked kindly. Her eyes were plastered on me and my nerves were out if control.

"Uhh... nothing. No reason. I guess the homework's been a little hard?" I lied. I noticed that the last part almost came out like a question.

"The homework? If you need any help, sweetie, just meet me after school." She offered.

"Ok." I agreed. I didn't want to go, but I couldn't make up anymore excuses.

At the end of the day, I sauntered over to Mrs. Baker's desk as soon as the bell rang. I made sure to bring my math textbook and notebook. I knew I wasn't bad in Math. I usually received a great report card every year, but I had no other way to get out of this now.

"Sasha! Have a seat, sweetie." She patted a small chair beside her desk.

I cautiously sat down and put my books on the desk in front of me.

"I didn't get the division unit." I stated anxiously.

"Oh, ok. I can review our lessons on long division and the concept of division for you. Don't worry, many kids have trouble with division in Grade 5 and 6, it's a confusing thing to learn." Mrs. baker coached. I felt so bad for not telling her the truth.

After explaining everything to me, she gave me a few practice questions which were very simple. I accidentally forgot to pretend I was confused, so I finished the questions very quickly with no worries at all.

"Sasha, it looks like you've done this before. I mean, your answers were perfect and you weren't struggling one bit. Are you sure this is why you've been so sad the last few days?" She slowly observed.

My throat turned completely dry. I could barely see because my eyes were blurred with tears. I didn't have the slightest idea why I was crying, but I was.

"What's wrong, Sasha?" Mrs. Baker asked with a genuinely concerned look on her face.

"I don't know, but it's been hard at home that's all..." I murmured quietly, hoping that Mrs. Baker wouldn't hear me.

"Oh, Sasha... You never told me this before. I didn't know that things were going on at home." My teacher said.

"I can call your parents to talk to them if you want?" She suggested.

I shook my head as soon as I heard the word "Parents".

"Ok. Well, I could set you up with a counsellor or someone to talk to. I promise I won't tell anyone else about this." As Mrs. Baker said that, she stuck her pinky finger out to symbolize a pinky promise.

In response, I wrapped my pinky finger around hers and we smiled at each other.

(End of Flashback)

I have never had a teacher that cared about me as much as Mrs. Baker did. My counsellor was really amazing too.

They never asked me any questions, but they both listened. I never told Mrs. Baker or my counsellor about what my Aunt and Uncle did to me, but they treated me as family when my family treated me terribly.

With that sad thought in my head, all my frustration disappeared with the wind.

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