Sasha's Pov

910 31 4

(3 Weeks earlier)

As I was sitting in class, my phone buzzed on my desk.

Zelda: Hey, Sasha. What's going on in Westwood? I'm hanging with Chelsea and Brooke at Tim Horton's for lunch. The girls say hi and they miss you.

Zelda is my bestie from my old school in New York. We always had a great time together and we never fought.

Me: Shhh! I'm in class.. lol Sounds like fun! I wish I could drink an Iced Cap right now cuz math is so boring. Tell everyone I say hi too.

I was just finishing off my last math equation as the bell rang for Lunch break. I got up, grabbed my iPhone and waited until everyone cleared from the doorway. In the hallway, I received another text from Zelda.

Zelda: Is it your lunch break yet? Any cute boys at Westwood? I really miss you chica, school is dull without you.

I smiled sadly at that last comment. I really missed all my old friends, even though I was still bullied. My friends were always busy or not around enough to stand up for me.

Me: Girl, Westwood is 3 times more dull! Sadly, there are no cute guys that I've seen. :(

As I was texting the last emoticon to my friend, I felt someone's body slam into mine. I automatically fell onto the hard floor and my head started to hurt.

I glanced up to see a curly, brown haired boy sticking his hand towards me to help me up. He was wearing a Miami Heat SnapBack with a varsity jacket on. On his feet, he was wearing Air Jordan's that I could only wish to own. He pulled me up and we stood face to face. I took a small step back and my heart was beating as fast as a cheetah could run.

"I'm so sorry, I was texting my friend and I didn't see you." I said, hoping he would accept my apology.

"No, don't be sorry. it's my fault. I should have paid better attention." He looked at me with sorry eyes and my heart turned into mush.

"So, what's your name? I don't I've met you before and I would mind if I got to know you a bit better." He said. He gave me a quick wink and I felt my face heat up.

"My name's Sasha. I came here last month." I said nervously. I starred at the ground with embarrassment of my fall.

"The name's Jackson, don't wear it out." He said playfully. He let out a small laugh and his smile made my heart skip like 3 beats. 'He's so cute!' I shrieked inside my brain. That thought made me even more embarrassed, so I focused on the floor again.

When I looked up again, I saw Sabrina coming over to Jackson and I. She was wearing a crop top and super tight, high waisted jeans. Her hair was in a messy bun, and it had red highlights in it today. She was wearing her usual makeup choices, which was bright red lipstick and lots of eyeliner and mascara.

"What's your problem, Jackson?" She snapped, when she reached us.

"What the hell are you talking about, Sabrina?" Jackson challenged.

Sabrina rolled her eyes at Jackson and kept talking. "Stop wasting your time on this slut! Like, would you rather spend your lunch talking with freak, or go out for lunch with your real friends?" She gave me a cold glare. Then, she dragged Jackson away from me as she strutted away in her expensive wedges.

Then, for one small second, Jackson looked back at me and winked.

In the Cafeteria, I ate lunch with Patty and Stephanie as I usually do. We chatted and the girls occasionally got into silly arguments about makeup or clothing stores. I would settle the arguments and make fun of them for it.

On the other side of the Lunch room, I saw Mary, Alexa and some others sitting together in a tight group. I wondered if Mary ever tried standing up to Alexa.

"Sasha? Have you heard about Sabrina's Halloween party?" Patty asked me.

"No. I haven't. Isn't Halloween not until next month?" I questioned.

"Yeah. Who cares? There's gonna be a party! I'm so going to be there." Steph cheered.

"What are you guys planning on dressing up as?" I asked my friends.

"I wanna be someone from the Hunger Games. I'm obsessed with those books!" Steph said.

"I'm still undecided. I think I might be a gothic fairy or something. How about you, Sasha?" She asked me.

"I actually don't know. I haven't

thought about Halloween yet." I said.

At home, I went to my room to call my mom. After 2 rings, My mom spoke.

"Sasha? What's going on honey?" She asked warmly.

"I just got home from school. I have a question to ask." I stated. I really hoped she said yes. I haven't lived with mom or dad for a long time. I was a little nervous.

"Sure, honey. Ask me anything." She prompted.

"Can I go to Sabrina's Halloween Party? I'm planning on going with my new friends." I asked calmly.

"Sure. We just need to make sure your safe that's all. I trust you to make good decisions. Thanks for asking me first, Sasha." Mom said proudly.

"Ok, thanks mom. Love you. I'll see you at home. bye." I said.

I decided to text Stephanie to tell her that I was coming to the party.

Me: Just called my mom. She said I could go to the party. How about your parents?

Her: That's so awesome! My mom said it's fine. I'm not sure about Patty, though.

For once, I was gonna have some fun with my friends.

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