Chapter 1: first day problems

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Just act natural, was all I could tell myself as I walked into Westwood Middle school. Don't make eye contact. I tried to draw the least attention as possible. Except, I'm such a klutz. I tripped over my own feet just as I was about to reach the office! Then, I felt a strong pair of arms help me up. I glance up to find a tall, thin, curly haired girl about my age standing in front of me.

"Hey" she said

"Hi" I muttered

So much for not drawing attention.

"Are you new?" The curly haired girl asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"So... What made you choose Westwood?" The girl questioned.

"Ummm. My mom made me." I stammered nervously, hoping my answer was okay.

"Here, I'll show you to the office. By the way, my name is Patricia. Patty for short." She replied.

I guess I just made a new friend, I thought. I finally built up the confidence to actually say something smart.

"What grade are you in?"

"Me? I am in grade 8. You?" Patricia asked.

"Same here." I said

"That's great! Maybe we will be in the same class!" Patty exclaimed.

The office was quite large. There was a bulletin board full of student activities and events right next to a grand P.A. system that was built in to the wall. I walked into the office with Patty leading the way confidently. The secretary was on the phone so we had some time to wait. I looked around the office and saw many students buzzing inside the office. Two were getting ready to do the announcements, while a few others were just chatting or waiting to talk to the secretary like patty and I.

"I never actually caught your name. What is it?" Patty asked me while searching for something in her backpack.

"Oh yeah. My name's Sasha." I cringed at the sound of my name.
It was so GIRLY. I hated how it sound so sassy and diva-ish.

"I like it." Patty stated.

"Thanks. I always think it is WAY too girly." I said.

"Well, you can always make it sporty or tomboyish." Patty said.

Finally, the secretary finished her phone call.

"Hello Patty. Who is this?" The secretary asked politely.

"This is Sasha. She's new to Westwood."
While Patty said that, I gave a small wave to the secretary.

"What grade are you in, Sasha?" The secretary asked.

"Grade 8." I stated

"Okay dear. You can be in Mrs. Brown's class because they have some space." The secretary said.

When we left the office, Patty said:

" too bad we aren't in the same class. I will drop you off at your classroom though."

"Thanks Patty." I said.

Then, we approached a classroom that looked slightly run down, but otherwise, it was fine. I slowly walked in with Patty. I felt like I literally 50 eyes on me. I took a quick scan over the room and saw about 25 kids. Then, I heard a voice as sweet as honey come from behind me.

"Well class, looks like we have another beautiful student joining our classroom today."

Me? Beautiful? No! I blushed for some odd reason as I heard those words. I turned around to the owner of the honey-sweet voice. There stood a woman in here mid 30's with long, wavy hair, with light salmon pink highlights. She was smiling at me with the warmest smile ever and her eyes were almost a Gray colour

"What is your name, honey?" She said kindly.

"Sasha" I said slowly, still in a trance.

"Welcome Sasha!" I heard a few girls in the back of the room exclaim
I gave them a shaky smile. I was so nervous because everything was moving quickly. The class seemed really nice.

I decided to ditch my plan of being anti-social, to actually trying to make some new friends and have fun.

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