The change

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"Kaachan!" Izuku shouted after bakugo fell from a log they were crossing.

They were currently out in the woods going bug hunting, because apparently that's what some kids in Japan do with their friends.Bakugou fell into a shallow pond,ass first. "T-Tch oww. . . Fucking slippery log. . ." Bakugou shook his head side to side water droplets flying from his hair. When he stopped, he saw midoriya holding his hand out to him.His emerald pupils sparkled from the suns rays hitting the water and straight to midoriya. "Kaachan are you ok?" Midoriya questioned his best friend.

Bakugous initial smile, started to change into a frown as something became clear to him. Why was someone who had no quirk helping him? The kid who was praised for having an amazing quirk, the best quirk in his class.

"I don't need your help. . . Deku."

That one sentence, would change midoriya's life for the worst.

"D-deku?" Midoriya stuttered as he started to retrieve his hand back to the side, hearing his best friend call him 'useless'.

"Yeah, your a deku.Hehe. . ." He said with a shit-eating grin alongside with his red pupils shrinking a bit. Midoriya backed away slowly as Kaachan got up and walked passed midoriya brushing him to the side,chuckling as he walked towards the other kids that have now become his lackeys.

For the rest of the time spent looking for bugs, midoriya stayed behind the group, scared.

"Deku. . . Why would Kaachan call me that. . ."
He thought to himself as the group of four walked. Then they came upon what seemed to be a cave. Midoriya stops almost bumping into one of the lackeys. "Huh? What are we doing here Kaachan?" Midoriya asks in a soft tone.

"What do you think deku?!" His tone became harsh and then chuckled. "We're looking for the mother bug." Midoriya flinched when bakugous time changed,but then became curious. "M-mother bug?" One of the lackeys chimes in. "It's supposedly a biiiiiiig bug with a weird looking on it's back as if it were a portal" now the other one joins in, "Mhm! One of the other kids told me about it, they said it lived here!" The both sounded excited, but then bakug- "IMA CATCH THE DAMN THING!!!" Hey! Don't butt into my narrations! Ahem. Now then. As bakugou said that, the group began to walk in. Midoriya was clenching his bug net tightly. He was shaking uncontrollably. Bakugou looked behind him to see Midoriya was shaking. "Aww come on, what you scared deku?!" Bakugou yelled at him. Midoriya begins the honest cinnamon bun that we know and love. Shook his head hesitantly. Bakugou gave a shit-eating grin again and turned his head to the front when one of his lackeys pointed to something up ahead. "Hey! What's that?"

Now the groups attention turned to an oval object on the wall on the cavern in front of them. As the group began to get closer, the cavern began to shake violently. The oval object that was before them, started to glow, blue string like patterns.Eventually forming a blue spiral The oval object started to move. 8 Legs sprouted out from the sides of the oval object, along with a circular head with two smaller legs on the front of it. A multitude of eyes that spun like blue and white dimensional portals. The group suddenly flinched and backed away. Midoriya falling on his butt. "ITS THE MOTHER BUG!" One of the lackeys said. "Actually it's an arachn-" as Midoriya was a bout to finish, the now arachnid almost pierced Midoriyas body if he hadn't moved. Midoriya would've lost consciousness if it wasn't for Bakugou screaming "GET OUT OF THERE DEKU!!!" Midoriya immediately got up and started to run as fast as he could to the group. Bakugou reaches out his hand to Midoriya, but it couldn't defy the inevitable.

Midoriya jumped towards bakugo, only for Midoriya to be bitten by the arachnid with such a crushing force that it broke one side of his rib cage.

Bakugous eyes widened and his pupils shrunk, his lackeys did the same. They just watched as their class mate/friend. Get bitten by the giant nightmare.

Blood was gushing out of izuku body and dripping from the arachnids mouth. The spider launched midoriyas body upward, and onto its back, where the lines that formed the spiral, connected and formed a giant blue portal. Midoriya fell into the portal. Disappearing from everyone's sight. The arachnid looked to the three others. They began to run holding onto bakugou as he propelled himself away from the giant. The arachnid glared at them, but it found no reason to go after them. It began to crawl back to its initial position on the wall. The arachnids pattern started to dim till it couldn't be seen at all, and only looked like an oval rock once more.

Now outside of the cave, the three remainders of the group. The lackeys where frightened and shaking in horror as they saw they're friend being bitten and by now possibly dead. Bakugou. . . Was utterly speechless. . . And on the brink of tears. . . He couldn't help him. . . And the last thing he said to him, he regretted entirely now. "D-Dammit. . Deku. . ." Water began to drip from his eyes,running down his cheeks as he fell to his knees. "Why. . . Why him dammit?!" He said slamming his fist into the ground.

The incident was eventually let out for all of the public to know. This loss was heavily grieved amongst izukus family and friends. Inko Midoriya, izukus mom mostly.Greif wasn't the only that came with it.What also came was fear. . . The fear of losing someone precious to them, the fear of villains still out and about. Though, for the heroes this only pushed them to new means of protection, to now put the people at a higher placement then themselves.

The cave was closed off. Closed to every person. It was a strong metal wall that weakened quirks to the max. Not even the great all might in his prime could break it. That's saying something.

Though. . . That's what happened in izukus world. . . What happened to izuku himself you may ask. . .

~Izuku's POV~
I was falling, in a white abyss, I couldn't tell for how long, I was only four years old and was loosing blood, my mind just couldn't tell how long I was in here. I couldn't tell the difference between left or right, or what was up and down, or I'd up was right, down was left and so on. The worst part of it was that I was alone. . . And afraid afraid of what happened to me. That is until it hit me. . . Literally and figuratively. I fell onto a grassy plain from a height that wouldn't kill me immediately. Though I wish it had. When the arachnid bit me. I felt it's teeth marks leave a lasting sensation, it stung, but burned at the same time. I felt the blood oozing out of me, I was starting to turn pale. The blood formed into its own pool around me. I thought to myself. . .
'So this is how I die. . . I wish I could've known the reason as to why bakugou called me that name though. . ' my thoughts were then interrupted by something covering the sun, I couldn't tell who it was at first glance, but i was able to make a figure of what seemed to be a woman with her hair in a bun. That's all I could really tell until my consciousness started to fade. . .

Until, I awoke once more.

Whew, that was a lot to write, I feel good about myself, now then let's see you figure out who it is that found izuku, comment please!!!!

And I know it may seem a bit cringe, but fuck it.

Anyways if you could criticize it please do!

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