New family

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~Izuku POV~
Until I woke up again. . .
I thought it was all a dream, but that theory was quickly changed when my eyes cleared.

I woke up in a strange room that I don't recognize. The furniture was different from the furniture I was used to. It was a smaller room, smaller then my normal room. I continued to look around the room,noticing that I slept on a bed, noticing that I was shirtless and that it was right next to the bed on a small desk. That's when it hit me, when I uncovered myself, I noticed the bite mark on my body gone. Without a trace. Poof. No scar or anything. I was flabbergasted, I didn't know who,what,or why did this. . . But I knew I needed to thank whatever saved me. I got out of the bed that I was on. I fell to the floor as my legs were still asleep. The tingly feeling in my legs bothered me to no edge. I got used to it a few minutes later. My legs still shook,but I was able to put on my shirt and walk towards the door.

Though when I went to turn the knob. It was already starting to turn.I backed away from the door cautiously. The door opened revealing a kid who seemed to be older then me, he had really wild black hair. The hair went all the way down to his back. He wore a white shirt that was tucked into his orange cargo shorts."Oh, your awake" the boy spoke to me. "U-uh hello. . ." While saying that I shyly wave back at him, then I focus back onto what I was initially about to do. I pushed my shyness to the side and immediately bowed down to him "thank you very much for healing me! I have no idea how, but thank you." I close my eyes in embarrassment of the action that I'm doing and wait for a response. "Oh it's no problem!" The boy in front of me said. "When my mom brought you over here I had to help. I wasn't gonna let someone die." The boy said. I stood back up. "What is your name anyways?" I ask curiously.

"It's Son Gohan" the boy now given the name Gohan said as he smiled. "What's yours?" Said boy asked me.
"I'm izuku Midoriya, you can call me izuku" I said smiling. Gohan held his hand out to izuku. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you izuku." Gohan states. "Please the pleasure is all mine." I respond.

"Gohan! Can you get more medicine for your father! He's starting to act up again!" An unknown feminine voice said. "On Its way mom!" Gohan shouts back. "Come on, you can help." Gohan says to me. We both head out of the room that I awoke in and we arrived at what seemed to be a kitchen, due to many. MANY. Utensils and plates for some odd reason. Gohan opened up a cupboard and got out a box with medicine and other medical supplies stashed in it. I watched him sift through the different medicines. Then saw him take out a certain purple one. When he grabbed it and put the medical supplies back in the cupboard we both went to another room, this time a living room. I looked around till my eyes set upon two people tending to the one very unreasonably buff orange bir- oh wait person. One of the people that I somewhat recognized because of there figure was the female. "Oh he's also awake that's great. How are you doing?" The female asked me. "U-um I'm fine. . . A lot better. . . Thank you for your hospitality." I said bowing once more. "Oh it's fine. It's what makes us the Son household!" She said with a motherly smile. . . Reminding me of mines. . . "Hey who's the new kid chi-chi?" The shiny bald one asked while Gohan was handing the medicine to said person/mother. "His names izuku Midoriya" Gohan perked in as he began to look at the bald one now. "I see, well it's nice to see your finally making friends.Back in my day I used to make a ton of friends" The baldy said. "You mean death krillin?"

Krillin owned count: 9001

"Eh. . . ." I simply uttered out a sound as I looked at the two.Then, my attention focused back onto the person on the ground "is that your father Gohan?" I said looking at him. When I said that though, gohans expression changed into a sorrowful one, he looked down to the ground. "O-oh I'm sorry if it's a touchy subject right now." I said holding up my hands and waving them side to side. "It's fine." He stated. "He's just under the weather, but I know he'll come to full health. . . He always does. . ." As Gohan said that. I looked to him, regretting what I said immediately. Then something popped up in my mind. "Um guys. . Can I ask you a question?" The three looked to each other and nodded in unison.

"Do you know who All Might is?"

The three looked to each other and gave a shrug. "I'm sorry who?" Chi-chi questions me.
It sent a cold feeling down my spine causing my body to shiver and get goosebumps. "Oh no. . ."
The three looked to each other confused at my expression. It was then that I told them everything that I happened to me, leaving out the parts about the 'deku' name.i also told them about my world and what are 'quirks'

"Multiverse theory is a bitch. . ." Gohan just said from out of no where.

"Gohan!" Chi-Chi shouted towards her son.

"Oh sorry mom, I'm just saying. That arachnid may have been some type of inter dimensional creature with the ability of opening portals and such, you and your friends must have bothered it somehow and caused it to attack, in turn leading you to our world."

Everyone just looked at Gohan. "What? I studied about multiverse." Gohan simply said. "That's great now you can read all about quantum physics." Chi-chi said with a cheerful tone. "But quantum physics are boring. . ." Gohan said in a low tone.

I was just taking in all this information, eventually tears started to run down my cheeks as I thought what was going on in my word and what might've happened during that time. They tried comforting me, but it was almost pointless. Those thoughts just clouded my head. Gohan looked at his new best friend. "Hmm, Hey I ave an idea!" I looked to Gohan. "Why don't we tell you what we do and what our world is like?" I hesitantly nodded.

They told me about their adventures, demonstrated their strength and abilities and told them who they really were. Surprisingly, it helped me get passed those feelings and was overwhelmed by curiosity, curious to the point of a certain question "can I become as strong as you people?" To this krillin chimed in. "Absolutely! I may not have a nose and seem entirely non human, but I'm one hundred percent human! And in fact the strongest Human on Earth!" Krillin stated . To this my emerald eyes simply sparkles. "Please can you teach me! I don't want to be a burden to you people!" I said bowing down onto the floor. (Looking similar to all mights bowing to Inko). Krillin simply smiled "mhm!"

-No ones POV-

This was the start of izukus new power gain. The onward route of becoming the strongest Human on Earth. As time went by izuku got stronger, the now named goku was cured of his sickness, and helped train izuku along with Gohan.Izuku was introduced to the rest of the z-fighters as well.Izuku learned many techniques of the turtle school martial arts. Three years time passed. Izuku was now seven. Gohan was eight. Izuku and Gohan were now on equal levels, due to an unknown force that was allowing izuku to be on par with the saiyans. Everything was going swell. Until, two unknown beings started to terrorize a city, two androids to be exact.

Alright another one done.
Sorry for it being extremely late, but he better late then never right?


Well anyways thank you for the people who are actually reading it! I will continue it tomorrow!

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