Till death departs,rivals forever

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"Hi I'm Izuku!" Normal talking voice
'Hmm. . .' Normal thinking voice
'Something important'
'Texting or calls/intercoms"
"It is I! ALL MIGHT!!" Obviously all mights voice
'ALLMIGHT!' Thinking voice
"Hmph." Izuku rage voice

Emerald eyes shone when Izuku opened them. He slowly rose, moving his upper torso forward as if he were a zombie coming back to life. He rubbed his eyes gently,stretched and then let out a yawn. Izuku got up from his bed, and went to the bathroom to wash up. He was shirtless and a countless amount of small almost unseeable scars were left upon his body, though one scar stood above them all, in the upper left corner of his torso smack dab in the middle of his left peck, stood the center of a scar that looked like an X, (similar to how broly look). One part of the x stretched down toward his abs and abdomen area. Another part stretched up to his neck.

Izuku was tracing his fingers on the scar when eri came in behind him yawning. Eri looked at her brother curiously. "Izunii-Chan, how did you get that?" She said obviously talking about the scar. Izuku hadn't told her about the scar yet. "It's a long story eri. . .a very long story. I'll tell you another time, when your older." Izuku said to his little sister. Eri simple gave an angry pout. And began to gently punch him in the abs with her arms circular motion. "Tellllll meeeeee!"

Izuku let out a laugh at his little sisters actions. "Hahaha! Big brother rules the day!"  Izuku shouts in the air, eri pouts even more. "Then I want to go to school with you!" Eri shouted towards her big brother. Izuku sighed before smiling and picking her up "fine."

-The two got ready, Izuku dressed up in his signature suit. And to sneak eri into the school, he had put her in his book bag,  surprisingly she fit-

Izuku walked inside his classroom and took a peak into his book bag too check if she was ok. She gave the thumbs up to Izuku and he let her be. Izuku looked around the empty classroom. It had been a week since the first class. He wondered what today would be. His thoughts were interrupted by a girl that walked up to him, she had pink hair and pink skin. "Hm?" He looked to the girl. "I'm Ashido Mina! Nice to meet you!"

Izuku just looked at the new girl. "Oh hello, I'm Izuku midor-" as he went for a handshake he could feel bloodlust enter the room.

Ochako is near.

"Mina. If you don't wanna die. I suggest you go to your seat. It's nice to meet you and I hope we can become good friends,but for your sake sit down before Ochako comes. Though confused,Ashido took her seat after giving Izuku her phone number, she said she wanted to hang out with him and his group this Saturday, he didn't know why though.

Izukus premonitions were right, Ochako soon came into the classroom and took her seat next to Izuku.
"Izuku. You better not be messing with other girls" she says with a creepy smile towards him.
"I-I'm not. . . "
'Holy crap I got a yandere as a girlfriend. . .well it reassures me that she loves me at least. . .'

Izuku smiled a bit and patted her heady which lifted the mood of the room in almost an instant. Ochakos face lit up a bit. She closed her eyes and a tiny bit of drool came out of her mouth. "Head pats . . ." She said to herself as he continued to pat her head gently.

-later on-

"So. . . Who's gonna be our teacher?" The one known as kaminari denki said. The class went silent for a moment until they heard someone sliding through the room

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