Almost time

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Many weeks of harsh training under Izukus influence had gone by. Ochako and Bakugou's strength had exponentially multiplied over the weeks.Both of them now on par with a full power cell while they're in base form. Ochako a little bit stronger.This is the result of Izukus boot camp.

"Alright,guys, your now ready to take on the solar system! Literally! You've passed Izukus boot camp, but it should always be in your nature to keep on training and get even smarter."  Izuku said nodding.

Ochako pumped her fist up into the air "Yes!"
Bakugo smirked "heh.finally."

Izuku smiles a bit, for the first time in forever. 

". . . . Izuku. . . Your smiling. . ." Ochako says to him.She took out her phone and quickly took a pic and immediately set it as her wallpaper

"Oi, ochako. You gonna hog that to yourself? Can you send it to me?" Bakugo asked. 

"WHEN DID I SAY IT WAS ALRIGHT TO TAKE PHOTOS OF ME?!" Izuku shouts at them. All he got in reply was a giggle and a chuckle. Izuku joined them in the chuckles and giggles.

-on the way home-

"So tomorrow is when we leave, to the other dimension." Izuku says to the group. 

"Yeah, I'm actually pretty excited, but I need to focus on the matter at hand. Reviving everyone." Ochako says with a determined look on her face. 

". . . I'm gonna head to togas for a bit and tell her what's goin on, I don't want to leave her in the dust about things." Bakugo says he says waving goodbye and splitting off from the group

Eventually ochako had to run som errands as well and left after giving Izuku a kiss on the lips, which in turn made him blush.

Enders was now on his way home, walking peacefully, looking at the sky and lost in thought. '. . . I wonder what's going on with gohan and trunks, maybe they both got girlfriends now, that Hera girl seemed a bit fond of Gohan, as well as that videl girl.' His thought process was interrupted as he bumped into a black haired girl with a bamboo muzzle in her mouth. She ran past him and disappeared into the crowd. "Weird. . ." He said to himself.

Once making it back to his apartment he was met with a tackle hug by eri. "Hey sis, how ya been?" He asked her. Eri simply gave a thumbs up and shouted "I'm great!" 

"Well that's great." Izuku said. Patting her head. 

The two sat down on the couch, and eventually fell asleep.

"So. . . He's also been to that dimension, but. . . He hadn't gone to another one straight afterward" a kid around Izukus age said, he wore a purple checkered haori and the girl from before was next to him. "This might be fun. . ." He said giving a slight smirk

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