Someone worth protecting

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Izuku looked at the sleeping child that he held in his arms. "Kawaii. ." He said as he climbed up the steps to his apartment. Once reaching the door. He used a free hand to open up the door to his house. As he walked in the lights were off. He figured his mother was asleep. Izuku began his trek in the darkness to his room. He put eri on his bed and covered her with his blankets. He kissed her forehead. And walked out  of the room keeping the door open. He grabbed a few sheets from a hallway closet and made his way to the living room couch. He set up His makeshift sofa bed and laid down on it. He couldn't cover himself due to the lack of guests that usually come here. He eventually started to fall asleep, but he felt something cover his body and something else lie down next to him. He bolted upwards and found his room blanket covering him and the new girl he saved earlier. He looked at the now sleeping girl. He smiled and moved some of her Snow White hair out of her face and behind her ear. He let out a yawn and lowered himself back onto the couches cushion. He wrapped his arm around the girl and brought her closer to him. He softly closed his eyes and once again fell into a deep slumber.

When Izuku awoke again. He awoke to big red eyes looking at him.they were being somewhat covered by white hair. He smiles "good morning" he sat up only to notice that the girl had her arms wrapped tight around him. "Nightmare?" He inquired. The girl softly nodded. "It's alright." He said patting her head. "Big bro Izuku will protect you!" He had noticed what he said. It was the exact words he said to trunks back in the other world when the androids were attacking. He smiled. "Oh yeah by the way. What's your name?" The girl looked up to him. "My name? It's eri. . ." She said looking down. "Well it's nice to meet you eri! I'm Izuku!" He said once again smiling. She simply nodded and looked at his smile. "What are you doing?" She asked pointing to his smile. Izuku looked at her in curiosity. "I was smiling" eri looked at Izuku.
"What's smiling?"
Izuku was taken aback by her question. "You don't know what smiling is eri-Chan?" She shook her head horizontally. "Well. . . Smiling is something you do when your REALLY happy." While he was explaining it. Lines of ki the size of pores went around Izuku and into Eris mind (not hurting her whatsoever) he dug deep into her brain and found her hippocampus. In which he was able to dig into and look into her memories. It took a few minutes to see what's she gone through. Izukus outside expression changed into a sad one. 'She reminds me of me. . .' Izuku perked up after that thought. "Hey eri-Chan. What do you want to have for breakfast. What's your favorite food?" Eri looked at him. "I-I like apples. . ." Izuku looked at her his expression changed. The ki lines vanished and he looked to her. "Then we'll have apples for breakfast!" Izuku picked her up and put her on his shoulders. "And after breakfast we can get you new clothes. Or you can probably use some clothes my mom got for me. . .early on. ." He shivers at the thought.

"Oh yes those clothes!" Inko says making the two jump in surprise. "Ah!" The both scream out in unison "mom don't scare us like that" Izuku said. Eri nodded along with izukus statement. "Wait. Your not surprised about eri?" Izuku curiously asked. "Nope not at all. As long as my Izuku is happy I'm happy.Now then about clothes. Come on eri" Inko said holding out her hand. Eri hesitates, But could fee the good aroma around Inko. She smiles and holds her hand. They both go to her room to look for some old clothes. Izuku chuckles and sighs. He pulled out his phone and started to text bakugo.
'Aye you up?'
'Yeah,why what's up?'
'Nothin much,just bored is all, do you have free time today?'
'No I don't today'
'Damn Alright. Well anyways I found a little girl in an alley way being chased by this weird adult. I assumed he was a rapist so I killed him.'
'. . . You gotta tone down on the killing. . . That's the second one this weak and you just got back.'
'Nu. I beat bad people >->'
'I'll beat the shit outta you if you don't stop'
'Now can you?'
'. . . . . SHUT UP'
'Alright, well I'm going to the park with the fam so tttyl'
'Seya izuki'

Izuku turned off his phone and put it in his pocket.As he did eri and his mother appeared "what do you think?" Inko asked izuku

As he did eri and his mother appeared "what do you think?" Inko asked izuku

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Eri blushed a bit as she saw Izuku look at her in awe. Literal "AWWWWW KAWAIIII!!!!" Izuku appeared in front of eri and hugged her tight "so cute!!!" A few more minutes and he asked the question. "You guys wanna go to the park?" Izuku said while still carrying eri. Eri nodded and Inko as well. "Alright then. Come on guys!" He said grabbing the keys and walking outside the apartment.

A few minutes later, they reach the park. But find it to be an entire dump. "When did it become so much of a dump. . ." Izuku looked at the trash park with a deadpan look. "You guys go home. I'll have this over in under a week. I'll use this as makeup training." Izuku cracked his knuckles and neck. He pats eris head and then starts his work. He goes straight to the middle of the heap of trash. He crosses his leg on a clean part. He then begins to hover above the air. Along with him hovering all of the trash does as well. The bags rip open and all the trash inside of it floats in mid air separately. "Hmm. . ." Inko and eri look at Izuku surprised. "It's like my quirk. . ." Inko says curiously. "But he was quirkless. . . This is what training with ki must do to you." Inko said smiling. "My son has become so strong. . . I thank that man named krillin to be like a father figure to him and help him get this strong." Inko gently grabs eris hand "come on eri. I've still got to adopt you so why don't we get started"


And done.
I am dreadfully.
A sickness came over me. And um yeah.
So this is the latest chapter. Have a wonderful night! Or day!

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