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"Hi I'm Izuku!" Normal talking voice
'Hmm. . .' Normal thinking voice
'Something important'
"Serious/all for ones speech"
'ALLMIGHT!' Thinking serious/all for ones thoughts
"Hmph." Izuku rage voice

Also guys! I'll be holding a Q&A! So send in your questions!
Now onto the (hopefully) long awaited training chapter!
-5'o-clock AM-

Izuku was at the train station waiting for Ochako and bakugo. He was wearing his training suit.

He was eating on a piece of beef jerky while he was scrolling through Instagram on his phone

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He was eating on a piece of beef jerky while he was scrolling through Instagram on his phone. He stopped on a video of the usj incident. A video of Bakugo and the two villans. Izuku was a bit proud of Bakugo, but was disappointed of his recklessness. As Izuku continued scrolling, Ochako arrived and immediate spotted Izuku. "I was right yes!" Ochako said while pumping her fist up into the air. Izuku looked to the pumped up Ochako. "Oh hey Ochako, how is the most amazing person doing today?" Izuku slyly asked. Ochako blushes a bit, but she spoke. "I don't know, how are your today?"

[Insert pink faced izuku]

Izumi quickly shook of the blsuh. "Well, I'm d-doing Good today Ochako. . ." He replied. Ochako smirked and hugged her boyfriend. This made Izuku chuckle a bit and hug his small,cute, female Kirby.
Once the two let go of each other, Bakugo arrived a few minutes later.

"Oi! Bakugo what took so long?!" Izuku somewhat shouted towards his best friend.

"DONT YOU "OI" ME! MY MOM WAKES UP EARLY AND SHE WASN'T LETTING ME OUT!!" Bakugo with a seriously cranky mood yelled back to Izuku.

". . . You didn't have your coffee didn't you?"
Izuku asked.

". . . No. . ."
Bakugo replied as he headed towards the other two.

Izuku sighs.He then noticed the two are wearing gym outfits.

He then noticed the two are wearing gym outfits

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