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"Let's talk about history. . ."

Aizawa had stated.
He looked at the three of them trying to figure out what was going on.

"Now first things first. Your fathers didn't just die of a disease,but you probably just figured that out right now." He sighs. "Your three fathers were all pro heroes, and the most powerful people in the universe. Especially yours midoriya."

Izuku gave a look of surprise.then Aizawa continued.

"Well. They all died at the same time for the same reason. . . Self sacrifice. . . Something you three have already shone."

Aizawa using the same remote he used to put the classroom into lockdown, he pressed a different button and three different videos were shone. The first being Izukus back when Ochako was hurt by the Zero pointer.

"You'll regret ever hurting my friend. . ."
Then the video proceeds to show the ten times gamma kamehameha he had used.

Then the next one Aizawa put on was about Ochako trying to give some of her points to Izuku.

"Please, I just want to help him."

When the video ended Izuku looked to Ochako and saw her blushing a bit. He smiled a bit.

Then the last one actually surprised the three of them. It was Bakugo and his explosion.

"If me dying is what it takes to kill you then I'll do it!"
Then the video proceed to show the explosion.

" that's what happened." Izuku looks to bakugo, "good job bro" Bakugo simply scoffed and looked away,but gave out a smirk. "Wait how did you even get the video?" Bakugo asks.
"What you don't think people would've been around watching the fight after 'a sudden flare was sent into the air'" Aizawa replies.
"Oh." Is what Bakugo could only say.

"Alright. With that out of the way. Let's continue on with the history lesson." Aizawa clears his throat.
"With the dominant trait of self sacrifice in their genetics.They had used whatever power or what they call, 'ki', with a bit of their life force, on one attack against a major threat. The same man you met back in that apparent haunted house Izuku and Ochako."
"All for one."

Izuku became a glacier of ice from that name. The name that all might said to him. The one that's ranked as the number one villain.

Ochako noticed izukus reaction.
"Midoriya do you know something?"

Izuku became colder, he looked to Aizawa for guidance. Aizawa just simply gave a nod of approval.

He breathes in and out. "Yeah I know something. . . And there's a whole lot of history to it." Izuku cleared his throat. "All for one. . . One of the founding fathers of 'one for all'. . . A quirk that's able to store other quirks, be passed to other people, and become stronger as it's passed along the line. . . All might was the eight user of one for all. . . He had battled all for one before . . . But that's when he was badly injured, but he was able to land a blow that made all for one need a breathing mask of some sort, kinda like darth Vader now that I think of it. . ."
Then Izuku realized something.
"Wait. Could it be that. . the day our fathers died. . . Was the day all might was injured and all for one was disabled mr. Aizawa?"

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