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"Hi I'm Izuku!" Normal talking voice
'Hmm. . .' Normal thinking voice
'Something important'
"It is I! ALL MIGHT!!" Obviously all mights voice
'ALLMIGHT!' Thinking voice
"Hmph." Izuku rage voice
"GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Present mic yells. Izuku and Ochako take flight. Literally. Ochako made herself weightless. And izuku carried her and both flew to the top of a tall buildings roof.  "Alright see anything?" Izuku asked while looking out for some bots in a group.

Flashback back to the introductory of the exams:

"Hey uraraka, I have a plan" Izuku says looking to Ochako
"What's the plan?" Ochako replies.
"The plan is that we go on the top of he tallest building we can find and scout out the area, look for the biggest group of points we can find. We'll split the points. 60-40 you'll get the sixty and I'll get the fo-"

Ochako interrupted.


"No, I'm not gonna let you pull my part, I can handle myself, 50-50. Sound fair?"

All she got in reply was a chuckle followed by . "Heh. . . Alright, I knew you were strong willed, that's good.it means you won't give up easily." Izuku said patting Ochako head gently. In return,Ochako blushed immensely and hid her face with her hands. "B-B-B-B-Baka. . ." She stuttered out still hiding her face. Izuku laughed quietly.

Flashback End:

Ochako looked around and found a huge group of bots that have been in a secluded area. Surprisingly no one had found the area yet. "Izuku, 40 bots in one are." Ochako says to her partner. Izuku walked up next to her. "Gotcha, 50-50." Izukus hand glowed a dark green, the glow traveled towards his index and middle finger that were pointing downward, Izuku flipped them upward and exactly half of the bots were destroyed. Ochako looked at him in amazement, until now she noticed something, he hadn't said what his quirk was,but there was no time to worry about that,Ochako held onto the left side of izukus arm. Izuku flew up into the air with Ochako holding onto him, Izuku flew towards the rest of the bots at speed incomprehensible to the human eye, ochako clinger onto him like no tomorrow, but in almost two seconds, they were on the ground. "Your up Ochako." Izuku said while she was looking around once again amazed, but she shook it off and began to collect her points. The both of them kept doing this continuously, this was there major strategy and it was working.

-In the pro hero watch area-

"my my, that one in the tight shirt and baggy pants is going through these robots with relative ease. Hell im a bit scared." A woman in a white tight suit. "That boy seems familiar, like I've seen him before, no matter his performance and strategy is on point." a mouse bear dog. . . Thing? Says. "let's not forget his apparent teammate, the two work well together, both can utilize their quirks relatively well." A man that seems like he needs more sleep says.

"My brothers quirkless."

Eri states out of no where, she was sitting down next to a now coughing up blood buff all might.
Eris sudden announcement catches the attention of all the pro heroes in the room. "He never was.Hes Gaines those powers and strength all by himself. . . I can even tell you how much he's holding back right now. Right now. . . About 99.9% percent of his power. Not counting his transformation." The teachers are simply amazed by eris statistical analysis at age that young, But the fact that he's holding back so much it scares them. "I-I can't believe that he's holding so m- wait did you say transformation?" Eri nods at the statement from one of the other heroes who was wearing a red tight suit with silver around his waist and wires that connect in his body among other things that have to do with blood. "Oi, nezu. Press the button." The sleepy hero says. The mouse bear thing, now given the name nezu looks at him and nods, he now hovers above the button that summons forth the zero-pointer.

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