Descendants of the most powerful

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"Universal studios japan?"
Bakugo says out of confusion.

"A perfect place for a villain to hide. ."

Izuku had been int his state of rage for a while now, bakugo had taken notice of this. Along with the fact that izukus muscles had slowly stared to grow larger, and his hair started to become lighter. As well as something poking out of his pants a bit. He could t tell if it was crap or a monkey tail, but he paid no attention to it.

The two entered the park, landing smack dab in the middle of the park. Bakugo looked around. "Should I be worried?" Bakugo said to Izuku.

Izuku was quiet.

"Yeah, I should be. . ."
Bakugo raised his palm up, as his hands made small bursts of explosions from his hands, he then began to mix his ki in with the explosions, it formed a small condensed ball. Bakugo launched it into the air. "Let's make some fireworks shall we?"
Bakugos open hand clenched into a fist and the ball that he sent into the air exploded and let their location known.

Neither of them cared though, because it was a part of their plan.

"Your turn is coming up Izuku."
Bakugo said dusting himself off.

Izuku cracked his knuckles, his ki radar going off like crazy as he sensed hundreds of somewhat powerful people headed towards him and his best bud. Izukus eyes glowed a blood moon red instead of his usual emerald green, he moved his right arm to his left side, and in one swift horizontal swipe of his arm,  a massively thin and wide ki wave appeared flying towards the hundreds of henchman, the wave of ki easily curt their heads clean off. They weren't expecting such a deadly child.

"So. . . The child seeks his friends."
A now much smaller league of villains said as they oversaw what had happened to their goons.
"Tomura. . . My student. . .capture the human flare for me. . I'll take care of the other one."
A man with a black breathing mask reveals himself from the shadows.
"Yes sensei. . ." Tomura leaves the scene and gets kurogiri. Both disappear and reappear right in front of Izuku and bakugo. The man coated in hands speaks. "It's good to see you again. Problem child. . ." The man says in an angry tone. Izukus eyes glow red and as he gets ready to charge, Tomura let's out a laugh. . . Though an already raging Izuku falls for it and he rushes towards Tomura, Izuku is caught in one of the portals,


Bakugos Pov:

"Shit." Bakugo said as he was left with the other two villains. "This is bad. . . I'm outnumbered and one of them can nullify his attacks. . ." Bakugo hesitates for a second, but then noticed something off about the man. He's wearing a metal neck brace. Bakugo found his weakness. Now it was the hand guys turn. He knew nothing of him, so he couldn't see what his quirk was. Bakugo got into stance. "They'll be trying to double team me. . ." Bakugo smirks. "Alright lets go in ready!"

The two villains look at each other and nod, kurogiri the portal opener. Opens one up in front of Bakugo, and one in front of Tomura. Tomura reaches his hand through the portal. The hand appears in front of bakugos face, but Bakugo was quick and was able to dodge it. "The one that looks like he needs a weeks worth of cleaning needs contact for his quirk to work like uraraka.heh.perfect." Bakugo blasted himself forward using his explosions. As kurogiri was about to make another portal. Something shot him on the right side of his metal neck plate. Bakugo has shot him with a very precise and very pierceful shot of ki at it, it cut open the neck piece and make kurogiri crumble to the floor. "Dammit!" Kurogiri shouted. Tomura charged towards the boy who took down kurogiri. Bakugo smirked as he made an explosion from his right hand that moved him out of the way, then made an explosion on his left, that spun him around Tomura, Bakugo grabbed the back of Tomuras hair and using all his force to lift the young adult above him he slammed him into the ground with help of his explosion making the force even greater.

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