Setting the stage

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Izuku recognizes the portal, and he became pissed. A shadow went over his eyes as he got into an Olympic running stance, he boosted off the portal and ran straight through grabbing bakugo by the shirt as he did.

When he exited the portal with the unconscious bakugo, he was in a labyrinth. A labyrinth as confusing and complex as the Minotaur labyrinth, that any normal person would die in. Luckily, Izuku wasn't a normal person. Particles of ki spread from his body and throughout the entire labyrinth, he found one opening and decided to head to it.He broke through walls by creating a shield of ki and using it to bust through. While Izuku was on his way to the exit, he encountered a beast radiating high energy. This beast was skinny, had rough skin, a large mouth filled with sharp teeth. Long and lanky arms with hooked claws at the end of it. Though Izuku didn't waste time to finish it off. Still holding onto bakugo, Izuku slammed his fist into the beasts gut, izukus fist slid right through the beats spine, blood flew onto his shirtless torso and onto his arm. Blood leaked from his arm. Izuku retracted his arm, but as he did, he grabbed the spine of the beast, and ripped it out.

The body fell limp and Izuku continued on his way.

When Izuku reaches the end of the labyrinth, there's simply stairs that lead upward. Izuku took those stairs and appeared on the second floor of this mysterious place.

Izuku prepared for a fight, assuming that there was gonna be an opponent on every stage. Izuku walked forward into a simple martial artist arena. Izuku stepped in it, leaving bakugo on the sidelines. Izuku waited for his first challenger. No one came, he waited a few more minutes and no one came. Fed up with this Izuku, blasted a hole through the roof of the building. Izuku grabbed bakugo and flew up,he created a dome of ki that let him pass through the many floors. Izuku soon reaches the top where he landed on. He saw nothing.This was meant for a distraction, he didn't want to know what it was for though.quickly, Izuku expanded his senses to the entirety of the city. He finally found those same signatures that he once felt before, but along with one that was way higher. It gave Izuku goosebumps.

Izuku looked at the limp bakugo beside him he thought of his friend first. . . And brought him along for the ride. Izuku slapped bakugo awake.

Bakugo shouted at his face. Then he realized the death glare he was giving him.

"They took them. . . The class they were taken."
Izuku said to his best friend.

Bakugo looked to Izuku, "w-what the entire class?!"
Izuku nodded
"And we're getting them back."

-A few seconds later-

They arrived at a humongous theme park three letters were plastered on the front of it.

"Universal studios of japan?"
Bakugo said

I'm very sorry that it was this short!
I promise that the next chapter will be as juicy as I can make it!

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