Training and entrance exams

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-One whole week later-
Izuku has finished cleaning up the park. Disintegrating the trash piece by piece with his ki.
When he returned home for the day after cleaning up. He ran into bakugo who was seemingly walking with a girl. 'Oh. This is gonna be good.' Izuku started to float off the ground and sneakily approach behind bakugo. He tapped on his shoulder. As Bakugo turned around. "Boo!" Izuku said as it made bakugo flinch "Jfc.don't do that to me!" Bakugo shouted back at Izuku. Who was simply laughing his arse off. "Alright alright. *wheeze* so who's the girl?"

The girl was blonde with her hair put it into two buns on her side, "this is toga. My girlfriend."  (Don't judge me ship choices >>) "oh? Your girlfriend? How much did I miss since I was gone?" Izuku said now floating upside down. "A lot." Bakugo replied with a deadpan look. While all of this was going on toga watched them both. Then she spoke up. "It's nice to meet you I'm toga." She said holding her hand out. Izuku shakes it. "It's a pleasure." Izuku replies to her. "Oi izu. That brings up the question. Did you have a girlfriend int that other world or dimension you were in?" Bakugo questions. "Nope!" Izuku cheerfully answers. "I-I see. . ." Bakugo says. "Well I'm off back to my house. Oh kaachan! When are the entrance exams?" Izuku questions Bakugo. "In about seven months." Bakugo answers. "Alright that gives me enough time to train some more. Alright well seya guys!" Izuku says flying off with a green aura surrounding his body.

As Izuku flew off to his apartment to see eri and Inko he thought to himself 'A girlfriend Huh. . . Na I don't need one.' Izuku continued on his way till he passed a construction site. "Hm. Wonder what there building" he lowered down onto the ground and read the heading, uraraka construction co." He looks at another poster  "building a skyscraper?" He reads further onward. "For heroes? Odd." Izuku floated up into the air once more to get a better view. It seemed as if everything was going well. "Hm. . . Cool." As he turned his back he heard something
Izuku turned his head to see a giant wrecking ball falling at high speeds to a girl about his age. Izuku quickly reacted. He flew towards the girl and got under the wrecking ball. Izuku caught the ball with his index finger."that was close. . .hey you ok?" He said looking down at the girl who was currently bracing for impact. The girl eventually loosened up and looked at the boy who saved her. She hesitantly nodded. "That's time be a bit more careful." Izuku places down the wrecking ball. A dark green aura surrounded his body and he vanished into thin air. Everyone in the construction site was stunned. They had just seen someone vanish into nothing, but before that save a girl and hold up a wrecking ball with an index finger. The girl who was just sitting down in amazement. Was stunned. Absolutely stunned. She was just saved by some strong,also muscular boy around her age. "W-Who was that. . ."

-Timeskip 7 months-
"Tomorrow is the entrance exams Izuku.But I'm sure you'll pass it easily." Said Inko. To her son over breakfast. "Oni-Chan will pass for sure!" Eri says in a cheerful tone!" Over the few months that eri has spent with them. Inko was successfully able to adopt her. So now, eri has officially become a part of the family. "Thanks guys." Izuku said patting eris head. She gives a satisfied expression when Izuku pats her head. Eri also learned how to smile. They continued to eat there breakfast until
They heard a knock at there door. "Hm? Who
Could be knocking at this time?" Inko questioned. Izuku shrugged and walked to the door, opening it wide open. Only to see a scrawny man wearing a white tea shirt and cargo pants. The man had wild blonde hair. His eyes were so caved in that they only showed blue pupils and shadows covered over his eye holes. "Huh? All might?" Izuku questioned. "It's nice to see you again. . . 'young Midoriya Izuku' or better known as 'the boy that went missing' ." Izuku was taken aback he didn't know how all might figured it out, either by public rumors or through research. "Yeah that's me. What's up?" Izuku said walking outside of his apartment and closing the door behind him. "I want to ask you something. Come to the roof top." All might said before walking out, turning into his muscle form and appearing on the roof from a super jump. Izuku followed suit, but instead of turning buff or jumping he just flew upward. "What do you want to ask me?" Izuku said feeling the wind go through his hair, all might turns to face him, back in his scrawny form, "I would like to pass on my quirk to you." At this statement Izuku was stunned. Absolutely positively stunned. He's never heard of a quirk that could be passed down. "I shall tell you the story of one for all."
-Time skip (they only talked about the origins of one for all and everything about it)-

"I see. . . And you want to pass down this quirk to me. . . And once you do. . . You'll gradually lose that power. Well at a quicker rate then usual." Izuku stated as he thought over the answer he would like to give.  "Precisely young Midoriya, now would you like to inh- no." Izuku said cutting off all might.

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