Different begginnings and kidnapping

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Hoiiiiiiiiiiiiii guys I'm back!
Sorry for that.
._. 2 Day break . . .
Welp back to the story!
"Hi I'm Izuku!" Normal talking voice
'Hmm. . .' Normal thinking voice
'Something important'
"It is I! ALL MIGHT!!" Obviously all mights voice
'ALLMIGHT!' Thinking voice
"No. I will not inherit your quirk. I have no need for it, not as much a need as you do. My powers are fine as they are.Though of course I will strengthen them, but at my own means." Izuku said looking at all might. "And one more thing all might. You said that wound limits your usage of that buff form you have?" Izuku asked. "Y-Yes it does why do you ask?" Skele-might replies. Izuku raises his hand toward skele-might.Light green ki flows from his finger tips and reaches the thin body of the person. As it does skele-might's wound completely heals and skele-might is immediately brought back to his ALL MIGHT form. "W-What?! How is his possible?!" All might says aloud in confusion. "I used some of my life force ki to fix up that scar of yours. It's pretty easy actually." Izuku said to all might while putting his hands in his pockets. "I-i must think you young Midoriya! I stopped believing this would ever be fixed. Are you sure you won't need my power?" All might now stood up straight after examining his scar. "I do not have a need for it, but, once the time comes that you are feeling that it's dying out once again. I'll inherit it. Deal?" Izuku held out his arm. "DEAL!"

Both shook each other's hands with amazing grip and after that they parted ways with each other.
Izuku was now walking on the sidewalk looking at the city around him "mufusa district will never cease to amaze me. . ." Izuku continued to walk eventually making it back to his apartment. "I'm home!" He's greeted with silence. "Odd. . ." He goes further inside. "Mom? Eri?" Izuku heads over to his moms room to check if there sleeping there. But he sees no one. Now he's worried. He closes his eyes and a green aura flowed around his body. He looked for the ki signatures he's marked both eri and his mother with. ". . ." He finds the two, along with one that's unknown to him. And then a whole lot more. ". . Someone's gonna die tonight. ." Izuku put two fingers on his head. Vertical lines appear on his body and he disappears from sight.

Only to reappear in a huge villain hideout. Smack dab in the middle of it. His presence is made known by a menacing black and neon green aura. All the villains in the hideout turn there heads and face the boy. A man makes himself visible to the crowd, a man with severed hands covering almost every part of his body. And next to him was seemed to be a human ghastly wearing a tuxedo. "Well well. . . It seems we now have the 'big brother' of the group. . .
Kill him." All the villains in the hideout all jumped up and dashed towards Izuku who had been standing still the entire time. As the vial Lin's got close, Izuku made his move. Izuku moves his left foot out in front and his right foot back. His left arm out in front with the elbow bent making his forearm horizontal and in front of his face facing to the right, his fist clenched. His right arm was back his elbow also bent, but to the left.His forearm horizontal paralleling to his left arm. His right hand wasn't clenched like his left hand. Instead his fingers were bent upward. Then at a suddenly moment. Izuku disappears and reappears choking someone by the neck. He closed his hand further and squished the mans neck making blood gush out of the tight mess along with spinal pieces poking out. He dropped the body and Izuku then continues his massacre. He grabbed another villains rib cage by digging his nails into the persons body. He slams the limp body on the ground and makes the body explode in a blood mess. Guts and brain buts everywhere.in a mere few seconds everyone of the villains except the top two were a bloody mess of guts and disassembled organ systems. Izuku seemed like bell (Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?/danmachi) after the killing of a Minotaur. His head jerked upward at the two top villains only to see them making there escape. He teleported away and found Inko and eri tied up in a chair with there mouths covered by duck tape. Izuku,now calmed down and still covered in blood. Izuku made a small sharp blade of ki that easily cut through rope next was the duck tape that he carefully took off of his mother and his new sister. They both hugged him tightly ignoring the blood that was on him. Along with the smell of organs. "Izuku!/oni-Chan!" They both say. He hugs them back. "It's fine. . . I am here. . ."

-Time skip to tomorrow-

"Are you sure you'll be alright mom?" Izuku asks.
Today was the day of the entrance exams to u.a the most prestigious hero teaching high school. He was currently wearing a tight black shirt and pants that resembled gogetas, except a different color scheme. The main is black while the belt is green. He has green wristbands on. His shoes also resembles gogeta, but the wrappings around the shoe are green and the shoe is black.
"I'll be fine, besides I doubt they'll bother us after what power you showed." Inko replied.
"Alright, well I'm taking eri just in case. . ." Izuku says walking off with eri in hand.
"Be safe honey!" Inko said while Izuku instant transmissions to the gates of u.a., eri with him and dazed at the travel. Eri hugs izukus leg tight. Izuku looks down at eri and pats her head. "It's alright eri, I know a good friend here that'll take care of you." Eri hesitantly nods at Izuku. As the both walk inside, they see a girl with beautiful brown hair, permanent rosy and round cheeks that was next to them. Falling forward. Izuku quickly used his ki to create a very dull blade of ki and twisted it so the flat side caught her. Izuku walks over to the girl that was confused on what was going on. "It would be bad if you fell on your first day right?" Izuku says to the girl. The girl turned her head to Izuku and got up using the blade of ki to push herself up. "O-oh. . . I'm yes it would have been." She says blushing looking at Izuku. "Sorry I should've asked if I could use my ability first." He slightly chuckles to himself and ends it with a heart melting smile. 'Fuck he's cute' thought the girl. Then she looks over to his uncovered muscles. 'FUCK HES HOT' she then focused back to his words. "N-no it's fine. . .im o-ochako uraraka." She held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you uraraka. I'm izuku Midoriya, But you can call me Midoriya." It was around this moment that ochako figured out something. "Wait your the guy that saved me from the wrecking ball!" She said out loud causing heads to be turned towards them. 'Fuck. . .'Izuku thought to himself. "We should g-get going inside!" He nervously rubbed the back of his neck while he started to head inside. The girl followed. "Thank you."

Izuku turned his head and looked to the girl. He smiled gently. "It's no problem. I'm glad you weren't hurt." He said patting uraraka's head. She blushed when he did that, she also noticed the white haired girl next to Izuku. "O-oh Izuku who's that?" Ochako points to eri. "Oh this is my sister Eri." Eri comes out of her hiding spot behind izukus leg. "H-hello" Eri stutters out. Ochako crouches down to eri. "Hello eri,it's nice to meet you." Ochako says smiling. It caught Izukus attention and made him blush. 'Faaaaaaaaaaaack. . . Kawaii. . .'

Eventually the two go inside and sit next to each other. "Wonder where kaachan is. . ." Izuku said looking around for his best friend.



Izuku begins to mutter and fanboy away while present mic explains. Eri and Ochako give sweat drop faces as they look at him. The muttering also caught the attention of a blue haired boy "excuse me young man, but your muttering is highly as I put it annoying It's very unhelpful." The boy said "oh sorry!" Izuku replies.

As the explanation ends and everyone heads to the written portion of the exam. Izuku stays behind with Ochako and eri. "Hey,uraraka, hold onto my shoulder for a second." She does as she's told "what wh-" they teleport instantly into an observation room with all the different teachers. "Eh.EHHHHHH?!" Ochako yells aloud as she looks around. "Oi, is all might here?" Izuku says looking for the giant. As he says that the giant makes himself known. "Right here young Midoriya!" His voice booms and Ochako simply looks to Midoriya in amazement 'HE KNOWS THE SYMBOL OF PEACE?!' Eri looks at the giant man and walks up to him. All might picks her up. "Thank you da- I mean all might." Izuku says bowing forward. Then both him and Ochako teleport back.

-A whole explanation and written exam later-

"Finally it's time. For the practical exam. You ready Ochako?" Izuku looks over to his new friend.

"Born ready." She replies now in her track suit.

The alarm sounds.

Whew down with this chapter. And sorry for the cliffhanger guys! But I'll see you next time!

Words: 1671

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