Dark Days reign over,But the light comes again.

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-Izuku POV-
  "Breaking news! Two unspecified beings have been terrorizing southwest city, they've been on a streak of rampage and killing, the army is currently on their way to try and dispel them.For anyone alive in the city. Hide yo kids hide yo wives. This is jimmy firecracker signing off till further notice!"

The tv was playing in kame house as the z-fighters all watched the news that was playing.

"Tch. . . Dammit. . . " krillin sputtered out breaking the silence.

Me and Gohan were clenching our fists as we thought about all the lives and families lost to these two beings.

"Izuku.Gohan. Go get some senzu beans from korin, the rest of us will split up and engage the androids." Goku said, which surprised most of us because it was a legitimately good plan. I looked to Gohan, he nodded towards me. The z-fighters walked outside of kame house and flew off to their specified objectives. Me and Gohan got the bag of senzus. It took us a mere few minutes to reach southwest city after getting he senzu beans.Though something was off, as we arrived on the outskirts of the city, landing next to Bulma and her newborn baby trunks on a mountain side. They could barely sense any of the z-fighters ki. "Somethings not right," I state. "Yeah, I barely feel there ki. . . Come on. They might need our help." Gohan and I floated up, released the ki that was holding us up and we slid down the mountain at high speeds using ki to get us down faster. Once at the bottom of the mountain, we move to the sources of ki. What we find. Was absolutely horrendous.

Bodies lying on the floor bleeding out, but not any normal bodies. The z-fighters. . . Specifically, tien, chiatzou, Yamcha, piccolo. . . And krillin and goku With vegeta.When I set my eyes on the dead krillin.I felt my body go limp and I  fell onto my knees next to his lifeless body.I shook the body a bit trying to see if there were any vital signs of him being alive, but he couldn't find a pulse. A beating heart or anything. I looked into the white pupils of his ex-teacher and best friend. Tears streamed down his eyes.

The same thing was happening to Gohan. He looked at his two caretakers. The two he's bonded with over the years of his life. As he looked at there dead bodies a golden aura started to swirl and twist while it slowly rose up and surrounded his body. It was followed by his hair rising and flickering gold. "Piccolo. . . Dad. . .dammit. . . DAMMIT!!!" Gohan slammed his fist into the ground splitting up the ground (similar to how trunks did).

I stood up with Gohan as we both let out an Earth shaking roar. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

-No ones POV-

It started to rain.Pour. Lighting struck the ground between the two students. Midoriya was grasping his head while screaming with tears in his eyes running down the sides of his face along with the rain. A green aura started to form around izuku, similar to the golden aura that was now surrounding gohans body, except this aura was bigger and a bit more rugged then smooth.Gohan has his fist clenched tightly. To the point of where blood was seeping through his palms and running down his arms. He was also screaming with all his breath. Then at a sudden moment,both of them lifted their arms above their head and brought them down. At that moment gohans black hair turned into a vibrant majestic golden color while izukus black and forest green hair turned into a shade of vibrant emerald green. Pillars of light shot out from their bodies. The green and golden colors mixed with each other. The two pillars split the clouds that poured on them disappear into nothingness. Izuku stood in legendary super saiyan while gohan stood in the vibrant super saiyan form that's widely known.

~Big ol timeskip~

Izuku and Gohan stood facing each other. Trunks was next to Gohan. The two exchanged a couple of glances. The two had been through a lot. Killing the androids. Gohan losing an arm. Making a new arm for Gohan. And many other things. Including the fact that Izuku had partial saiyan blood from his dimension and timeline.

Now, was there goodbye. The three stood in front of a large cave opening. Izuku shook trunks hand frimly. "You've grown well trunks.i hope you continue to grow." Izuku looked to Gohan. And before any words were spoken. The two embraced in a tight hug. Tears were shed. "Gohan... don't stop being Gohan." Was all the words Izuku said before leaving. He heated Gohan and trunks say their good byes and good wishes. Izuku left into the cave. Encountering not an arachnid but a simple array of runestones. Izuku found a way to activate the runestones and when he did a portal opened. "Hm that was a lot simpler then I thought. . .well anyways here's hoping." Izuku jumped into the portal. As he did it closed behind him.

Izuku floated in the white abyss once more, his eyes were closed as he was asleep. When he woke up again. He was on a rooftop on a building. He sat up and noticed that his body was lighter. He looked down to his arms and hands and noticed that he was slimmer. (But still had his hella toned muscles). He immediately figured out that he was younger a lot younger. He figured that his body had to adapt
To the time age so it wouldn't create any sort of time or space paradox that could lead to the timelines destruction. So right now Izuku looked around.
"I'm back..."
he got up and dusted himself off. He noticed he was still wearing his gi, one by his master krillin design. It was a white gi top with a black tight shirt, he wore black gi pants as well. Under those gi pants were tight black pants matching his tight shirt. Izuku jumped off the building and landed on the cement of the sidewalk, limiting the gravity acting upon him with his ki. Izuku looked around and continued to walk towards where he thought his apartment was. His hair swaying in the wind. Izuku relaxed as he felt the breeze hit his face calmly. As he passed under a bridge though he sensed someone on the top of the passing. He immediately looked up to see a slime villain dropping down on him. Izuku sighed as he sent a shockwave towards the slime villain without moving whatsoever.

"Hm. . . Pretty we-" as he was about to finish his sentence, a great figure makes himself known by striking a jojo pose (Jojo reference).

"Don't fear! For I am- not gonna be able to do anything because you. . . Took care of it."

I am very sorry that this was rushed.
I really just wanted to get on with the mha part of the story because that's what I've been planning mostly, and I felt that if I did it mostly on dbz, it'll be a while till I get to mha. Especially with the turning back into a teenager part.

I apologize if you wanted it to go towards dbz and have more of a relationship basis.

Also fights WILL be coming soon.

And lastly.

I was REALLY out of it today ;~;

I'll see you guys Tomorrow!

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