Realization and aizawa knows?!

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Eventually the cops came, they interrogated the three of them shortly after Bakugo had awoke.
The three told then everything that had happened.
The kidnapping.
The fights.
His death.

-Two days later-
Class-1A, was barely even a class anymore. They were scared to put in other students, thinking that the three that survived were being targeted. It was rough. Ochako was scared, Bakugo was in a state of pain, and Izuku. . . Well he was straight up depressed. The friends he made just died, and he wasn't able to save them. And on top of that. Izuku lost all known transformations that he held.

He was also in trouble for taking eri to school with him.
So he had detention later on this evening.
-Free period-
Is what he heard, he looked to his left and saw both Ochako and bakugo, staring at him.
"Hey. . . We were there too . . . So I just want you to feel as if you weren't left out." Ochako said to Izuku.

"I know it's just. . . I had the power to save them. . . But I wasn't able to. . . Just like then. . ." Izuku lowered his head onto his arms that were on the desk.

Now Bakugo intervened.
By slapping him across the face.

"Bakug- why did you do that?!" Ochako shouted towards him.

Bakugo ignored her.
"Listen here you. Izuku Midoriya I've seen you kill hundreds. Hell I saw you kill those people with no hesitation, where's the Izuku that did that. The one that got his head into the game and did something!"
Bakugo breathes in real quick.


His voice boomed throughout the entire school.
This is the first time Izuku has heard Bakugo yell in a long time, he was actually frightened, but. It helped.
Izuku let out a small smile. "Thanks bud." Izuku got up and hugged his best friend.

"Yeah yeah, quit with the hugging. . ."
Bakugo muttered.

Ochako looks to Izuku,and smiled brightly.
'There's the Izuku that saved me'

Izuku fell out of his depressive state.
"Alright. First things first. Answers."

Ochako and bakugo looked a bit confused as he blurted that out.

"All might knew about the dragon balls. . .wishing orbs that allowed you to grant any wish." Izuku closed his eyes and began to think. "And that man. . . The one that. . . Just did something. . ." Izuku opened his eyes. Izuku looked at Ochako first. He called you the daughter of goku. . . While he called me the son of broly. . . And then he called Bakugo the son of vegeta. . .wait. . . Ochako. Have you ever seen your father?"

Ochako shakes her head "no, Supposedly he died from a disease of some kind, at least that's what my mother told me. I've actually never seen any pictures of him as well."

"Bakugo, you've told me that your father also died from a disease. . ."

Katsuki tilts his head. "Yeah what about it?"

"Mine died from a disease too."
Izuku stated.

"No. . . Are you saying that?"
Ochakos sentence is finished off by Izuku.

"Our fathers new each other. . . And somehow knew all might and that boss guy."

Ochako and bakugos faces were stunned.

"We have to figure this entire thing out." Izuku looked to the two.

Katsuki chimes in. "Are we doing what I think were doing? A meet and greet up?"

Izuku and Ochako nod simultaneously towards Bakugo.
"Oho yeah."

-after discussing, the time and date:
Saturday, 2:00pm-

The soon to be big three, were relaxing till Mr.Aizawa comes through the door.
"Seems like Midoriya is doing a lot better. Then I guess it's finally time." Aizawa clears his throat. "We will be having the sports festival soon."

The three classmates eyes widened. Immensely.
Is what went through there head,

"Oh and since you three are already in here. . ."
Aizawa pushes a button under a desk.

The classroom becomes super secure. Heavy duty titanium closes up the room so no one can get in.

"Let's talk about history. . ."

Author San: sorry for the short chapter guys!!! The next one will be a lot longer and have juicier content!!!

Here have a meme!

Here have a meme!

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