An idol meeting? Old and new friends.

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"Don't fear! For I am- not gonna be able to do anything because you. . . Took care of it. . . Wait that's illegal qui-"

"I'm quirkless." Izuku said cutting off all might before he could say it was illegal. Which in turn made all night stunned. Giving off a weird, but hilarious reaction that gave Izuku a small laugh. Until all might coughed out blood and steam started to surround his body. "A-All might?!" Izuku said hesitantly moving forward, but as the steam cleared, all Izuku saw was a peach skeleton with wild blonde hair, and wearing the exact same clothes all might was wearing before. "Eh? EEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH?!!!?!???" Izuku was the one that was stunned now. He couldn't believe his eyes. This was all might.He thinks. "Sh- I mean um. . . Ah forget it. Shit." All might looks to the young and surprisingly muscular man. "This is my true form. And if it's alright with you I would lik-"
"To keep it a secret? Absolutely. I will not tell a soul." Izuku said as he started walking away. Allmight looked to izuku 'hm, smart kid.' Izukus walk and all lights thought process was interrupted by a huge explosion from a far. "Tch. . . All might you need a lift?" All might looked at Izuku in confusion. "Agh forget it." Izuku launches off the ground causing an 8 meter crater from lift off. His signature green aura surrounded his body as he then launched himself towards the explosion using his ki.

All might saw this. "What. . . How. . . He's quirkless. . .heh. . ." Skele-might smirked as he saw his future successor.

Now arriving at the crime scene. Izuku saw a huge crowd. He lowered to the ground behind the entire crowd, he pushed himself through the crowd. While also on his way to the front, he saw some heroes simply on standby for some reason. But Izuku new the reason. He had seen trunks do it way to many times to not know the heroes were afraid. Izuku grit his teeth as he glared at them. Upon reaching the front. . . His pupils shrunk. What he saw was the slime villain, and holding bakugo captive. This sight, brought back the feeling of seeing krillin dead on the floor. His master. His best friend. Suddenly there was an outburst of energy. This sent everyone behind him including the heroes back. Izuku clenched his fist and a burning emerald green light surrounded and tightened around his body. Then it started to crack like glass and dissolve into green energy. Izuku stood there in an emerald green legendary super saiyan three. Izuku was pissed. He glared at the villain that was trying to absorb his friend. It was then that bakugo noticed the green shirtless beast with no pupils. He felt a sense of safety and relaxation. Probably due to the fact that the slime villain wasn't on him and instead splattered all over the place. Bakugo was utterly confused. He looked over to the burly beast for answers. Thought when he saw the wasn't beast. It was simply a teenager his age. And he got a sense of nostalgia. "H-hey kaachan." Izuku stuttered out. There was no second thought for bakugo. Bakugo ran towards Izuku and gave him a hug. (I know right? Crazy) Izuku was taken back. He was still a bit smaller then bakugo. "Oh. This is n-" he was smacked on the head by bakugo "THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He shouted at him. "YOU COULDVE GOTTEN KILLED" Izuku simply chuckled at this. "Oh come on. Not even the arachnid could kill me." Izuku stated as bakugo smirked. "Heh. Yeah you've you got that right. Anyways what happened. . . You. . . Literally became a beast. . ." Bakugo said curiously. "It's a long story. . ." Izuku said rubbing the back of his head "well you've got explaining shithead." Bakugo said with a chuckle. "Heh, yeah I do." Izuku and bakugo were walking out when they were stopped by the heroes. "Oi, What makes you think you can simply use your qu-" Izuku cut them off
"I'm quirkless"
The hero's looked at him. Stunned. Dumbfounded. Stupid. And hella scared.
"Now if you'll excuse me, me and my friend have some catching up to do after I've was sent to another dimension by an arachnid. So have fun cleaning the mess." He said as bakugo and Izuku left the scene.
What Izuku said about an arachnid got people's ind thinking till it hit them. He's the boy who was missing.

"When did you grow a pair?" Bakugo looked at his friend dumbfounded. "When I killed two cyborgs." Izuku said while smiling and his eyes closed. "Eh. . . Your joking right?" Bakugo said. "Nope!" Izuku said in a cheerful tone.

The rest of the time bakugo and Izuku just talked about what happened. Eventually reaching izukus house. He had bakugo with him to at least try and pry him out of his mothers arms. "Alright. . . Here goes nothing. . ." Izuku turned the knob on the door and walked into his apartment. "I'm home!" Izuku shouted. Inko was currently putting away clothes until she heard Izuku. "Hm? Someone other then myself lives with me?" Inko walked from her bedroom towards the main room. She stopped when her eyes set on Izuku. Her hands clasped over her mouth. Her eyes began to get watery.Tears appeared and slid down her cheeks. "Hey mom." He said rubbing the back of his head with a smile plastered on his face. Inko tackle hugged Izuku. (Oh btw this Inko is the same one in the show. For the obvious reasons.) Inko held Izuku for what seemed to be eternity.

Eventually, she let go of Izuku. And while the three of them (bakugou included) had katsudon. Izuku told his story to izuku, on what happened, describing every detail as specific as he could. "Im glad to have you back my son." Inko said with a smile of pure happiness. "I'm glad to be back. Though I do miss my friends trunks and Gohan.Heh. Wonder what there doing now." Izuku said scratching his chin a bit. "Hey kaachan. Is U.A still the number one hero school?" Bakugo nodded "yeah, it's gotten more popular now. A lot form what it was before." Bakugo replied to Izuku. "Hm, I see, well I think ima apply to it." Izuku said letting out a small sigh. "Definitely." Both bakugo and Inko said. Izuku simply smiled and chuckled. "Yeah. . . " he smiled "I'm gonna take a walk to get used to being back. If it's ok?" Izuku asked his mother "yes of course" Inko answered. "Welp if your gonna do that might as well head out. Seya Izuku." Bakugo said as he left. "Seya kaachan! Alright I'll be back." He kissed his mother on the forehead and left the apartment.

As Izuku left the house he walked around the mafusa district. He looked at all the glowing lights. "Heh. . ." He continued to walk around, but on his way back while passing an alleyway. A white haired girl ran into his leg and fell on her butt. "Hm?" Izuku looked down at his leg to see the little girl. "Hey are you ok?" He said lowering to the girls height and helping her up. The girl immediately wrapped her arms around Izuku. Izuku was taken a back by this. Then a man walked out of the alley way he wore a plague mask and glared at the boy "o-" as he was about to talk to the boy. Shockwaves pierces the mans heart. Luckily no one was around to see it. "Your ok now." Izuku cradled the girl in his arms. "You'll be safe now." Izuku said as he began his walk once more to his apartment. The girl looked up at Izuku with her big red apple eyes in wonder. "T-thank you. . ." She said in a low tone. Izuku smiles, he holds the girl close. The girl digs her head into his chest and slowly falls asleep. A good sleep.

Izuku looks at her. "Aw cute."

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