Chapter 10

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Hey guys random_user52007 here bringing you another installment of my fanfiction! I don't really have anything to say so in with the chapter!

Midoriya's P.O.V

She was asleep. She was peacefully resting in my lap. And for once she was near me and I wasn't blushing! All I could do was watch her. She was so beautiful. I look ober to see that the clock on the wall read 12:00. 'I should probably get some sleep' I thought to myself. I laid her down on the couch and covered her up with a blanket. I then turned off sll of the lights and made my way upstairs.

The next morning

Uraraka's P.O.V

I woke up this morning and noticed I was on the couch. I didn't know why until I remembered last night. "H-hey, do you want me to stay here with you for a little b-bit?" I remembered him saying. I started to blush at this memory. "That was sweet." I thought to myself. "He sat there with me, he listened to me and comforted me even though he didn't have to." I told myself in my head. Before I knew it I found myself grinning at my own thoughts. "Oh, you're up." I look over to see none other than Deku giving me a warm smile "O-oh hey Deku." I said with a light blush on my face. Deku walked over to the couch and sat down next to me. "You feeling better?" Asked Deku. "Y-yeah a lot. Thank you, you didn't have to do that." I replyed back blushing even more. "No it's okay! You were upset. I was just glad I could help." He said giving me another warm smile. We eventually got to talking sbout really anyting until, "Oh hey it's Broccoli boy's waifu!" Yelled Bakugo from the stairs "Oh god not again!" I thought to myself. "WHO THE HECK IS BROCCOLI BOY?!" I exclaimed. By then even more of my classmates had came down the stairs and started laughing at my outburst. I wanted to know who Broccoli boy was. This situation was driving me crazy. "You'll find out when Broccoli boy has the guts to tell you." Said Todoroki as he came walking down the stairs. I groaned at that as I slumped my chest over the head of the couch, leaving my arms dangling off of the back of the couch. "Geez Uraraka, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet." Said Kirishima. "That's what I'm trying to do." I said after I let out a sigh. "Cheer up Ochako, he'll reveal himself eventually." Said Tsu trying to make me feel better, which it didn't.

Midoriya's P.O.V


I feel so bad. But what do I do? If I tell her she isn't going to feel the same way and she may not want to talk to me again. However, I hate seeing her upset like this. "You'll find out when Broccoli boy has the guts to tell you." Said Todoroki. Right after he said that I knew what I had to do. Based off of how upset she is over the whole Broccoli boy thing it would be selfish not to tell her. Plus if I don't tell her now she may find someone else before I have the chance to. "Cheer up Ochako, he'll reveal himself eventually." Said Asui as she shot me a glare. I shot her a quick grin back because she was right. He will reveal himself eventually.

3rd person P.O.V

Timeskip to next day at 4:30

The girls had gotten back from school and were sitting on the couch bored. "Ugh, what should we do?" Asked Jiro "I don't kn-" said Mina. However, before she could finish her sentence she looked over and saw a prom poster on the wall. "Hey maybe we could go dress shopping!" Finished Mina. "That actually sounds like a good idea." Said Uraraka "I'm fine with it. Ribbit." Added Tsu. "I don't see why not." Said Momo. "Sure." Replyed Jiro. "Yeah!" Exclaimed Toru. "All right then let's go!" Said Mina.

At the mall

The girls were looking around at dresses trying one on every so often not in any rush as it was still earlier in the afternoon. "So Ochako." Said Tsuyu trying to get the zero gravity user's attention "Yeah?" Replyed Uraraka to the frog girl. "Are you going to ask Midoriya to prom?" This very question from Tsuyu made Uraraka gasp and start choking on air. "*Cough cough cough* W- *cough*WHAT *cough*? " Asked Uraraka through coughs. "You heard me." Answered Tsuyu. "N-No!" Replyed Uraraka now blushing like crazy. "Why not?. Ribbit. You said you were going to confess." Asked Tsuyu confused. "Yeah but I can't flat out ask him to prom!" Exclaimed Uraraka. "Sure you can!" said Toru as she walked up to the pair of girls. "No I can't!" Said Uraraka trying to convince the girls she couldn't. Jiro, Momo, and Mina then walked up and Jiro chimed in with "Why not? *giggle* You already kissed him." This then made Uraraka blush while the girls started dying with laughter. "Stop it! It was a dare!" Said Uraraka. "Come on! You enjoyed it and you know it!" Said Jiro through fits of laughter. "So what if I did!" Exclaimed Uraraka, still blushing. "Come on why not just ask him?" Asked Mina not understanding why she wouldn't. "Because, if I ask him that'll reveal my feelings to him and that's not how I want him to find out." Said Uraraka now calming down. The girls then understood why she didn't want to and decided to leave her alone about it. A little bit later the girls finally picked out dresses, Uraraka's being a light pink cold shoulder dress that came down to just above her knees, Asui's being a dark green dress that came down to her ankles with spaghetti straps, Yaoyorozu's being a red dress that also came down to her ankles but had a slit where her leg would show, ( I really didn't want to use this example but kind of like Elsa's from Frozen) Mina's being a hot pink dress that went a few inches below her knees, and Toru's being a dark purple dress with an open back that stopped right at her knees. The girls paid for the dresses and went back to the dorms at around 7:00 and went to bed.

Insert mysterious sentence by the narrator here...

That is it for chapter 10 everyone! Thank you for all of the support on my story it got like 150 views over night and like 20 votes overnight too which is amazing to me I'm really glad y'all are enjoying it. And I think I'll be abke to squeeze out another chapter tomorrow. Sorry for not updating yesterday I got super busy. Anyway thank you for the support on the story and thus is random_user52007 reminding you to keep being awesome and have a beautiful day!

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