Chapter 15

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Hey guys random_user52007 here bringing you another installment of my fanfiction. I don't have anything to say so on with the chapter!

3rd person P.O.V

Toga woke up at around 10:00 in the morning, still diguised as Uraraka and decided to make her way down stairs. When she got downsatirs she was shocked to see that everyone was awake, even though it was quite late in the morning.

"Hey sleeping beauty!" Teased Mina from the kitchen. She was cooking bacon for the class on the stove.

"Come on Mina we all know she's Broccoli boy's waifu, not sleepig beauty. How rude of you." Joked Kaminari. This made Midoriya go as red as his shoes and hide his face from embarrassment. Iida had realized the teasing was never going to stop so he had just gave up on intervening entirely.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Come on, don't play dumb Roundface." Said Bakugo. Toga didn't know what any of these terms meant and was extremely confused. "Roundface? What?" Asked Toga. Legitimately confused. All of Uraraka's classmates gave her clone a confused expression wondering why she was acting like this.

"Okay... Here grab some bacon it's done!" Said Mina. Toga was very hungry at the moment so she grabbed a plate of bacon and sat next to Deku.

"You're up kind of late aren't you?" He said playfully giving her a smile. "Yeah I was pretty tired. Heh heh." Answered Toga

"Hey Uraraka come here for a sec!" Shouted Toru from the other end of the room. Toga got up and walked over to the girls.

"Hangin' out with you're boyfriend I see." Jiro said with a smug look while whipering. All of the girls had to whisper since Deku wasn't far away from the group.

"Oh Deku?" Questioned Toga. "No, Santa Clause. Who do you think?!" Said Mina jokingly. The girls were confused as to why Uraraka was acting like this.

"So, when are you gonna confess?Ribbit." Asked Tsuyu.

"She's gonna confess?!" Thought Toga to herself.

"Huh? Oh I don't know." Toga said trying her best to act like Uravity. Toga was realizing that she didn't have much time left before her disguise went away.

"Anyways I gotta go. See you girls later!" Said Toga as she started to walk Towards the door. "Where are you going?" Asked Momo right before Toga was about to exit.

"Oh I just have to go to town for a little bit!" Answered Toga nervously. She then walked out of the door before any further questions were asked. "That was weird." Stated Bakugo bluntly. "Yeah, she didn't flip out whenever we were teasing her about Midoriya either." Said Mina, confused. "Huh?" Questioned Deku being the dense person he is. "Nothing." Answered Tsuyu quickly, so he wouldn't figure out what they were talking about. "Weird..." Said Tokoyami.

At the hideout.

Uraraka's P.O.V

I can't move. I can't see. All I can do is listen and think. I feel so utterly useless. I want to be a hero but I let this happen. Now they plan on taking down U.A and hurting my friends and all I can do is sit here and do nothing about it. I hear a door open and hear Toga say

"I'm running out!"

"I thought you grabbed enough for a day?" Asked Shigaraki.

"I guess not!" Answered Toga in a sassy tone.

"Ugh, okay. Dabi! Pull the lever!" Ordered Shigaraki. Oh no not this again. This hurts like no other pain I have ever felt in my entire life. Getting you're blood drawn at one of those buses already hurts as it is but this makes me feel like I'm dying. Dabi pulled the lever and the pain started to flow through my body. Even though it only lasted for a few seconds it felt like an eternity. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I just had to push through it.

"Ha! That face she makes is funny!" Commented Toga. The face I was making was one of pain and it wasn't something to laugh at. Well, at least in my mind it wasn't. However, I would never know for I could only dangle there, being useless.

Timeskip 8:00 P.M

Midoriya's P.O.V

It's 8:00 and Uraraka still hasn't made it home yet. I'm starting to get kind of worried especially since she never goes out late and when she does she usually warns us. Knock knock. After knocking my door opens to reveal Mineta.

"Hey Midoriya we were gonna watch a movie downstairs you interested?" Asked Mineta.

"Sure I'll be down in a minute." I answered. Before I headed out of my room I tried to call Uraraka but she didn't pick up. I figured she probably left her phone or it died so I left it at that and headed downstairs to my friends like I said I would. Plus watching a movie would probably help take my mind off of things. I got downstairs and sat down in the living room with the rest of my classmates and we all decidedon a movie and were around half way in until Uraraka finally got back home.

"Dang Uraraka where did you go to make you stay out so late?" Asked Sero.

"Yeah we were worried about you." I added.

"Sorry I was late. I um... Got caught up in something!" Said Urarakak as if she had had some sort of epiphany. Not to mention she looked kind of nervous. Especially with the little drop of sweat that was rolling down her face. "Okay... Anyway we were watching a movie. Wanna watch with us?" Asked Yaoyorozu.

"I'd love to, but I'm kind of tired from today so I'm gonna head off to bed. See you guys in the morning!" She said as she walked up the stairs.

"What's wrong with Uraraka?" Asked Iida.

"I don't know. Ever sinse last night she's been acting kind of strange." Said Yaoyorozu.

"Maybe she's just having an off couple of days?" Asked Kirishima. Everyone decided to dimiss it for the time being and finish the movie but if I'm being completely honest I'm still a little bit worried about her. Is something wrong? Is she embarrassed about dancing with me? Is she just having an off couple of days like Kirishima said? I honestly had no Idea.

The young boy didn't know what was coming...

OH MY LORD. I FINALLY DID IT. I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING MYSTERIOUS TO GO ABOVE THIS LITTLE NOTE. I FEEL SO PROUD. But anyway back to my normal ending. That's it for chapter 15 everyone! Thank you so much for reading and this is random_user52007 reminding you to keep being awesome and have a beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!

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