Chapter 20

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Hey guys! random_user52007 here bringing you another installment of my fanfiction! I put an absolutely amazing Unravel violin cover instead of a picture, because I felt it fit the mood of the chapter. Fun fact! I've never really seen Tokyo Ghoul (and to be quite honest don't really intend on it) but Unravel is a great song and this violin cover is amazing as well. Anyways on with the chapter!

3rd person P.O.V

When Deku walked in the door of the hideout he saw Uraraka dangling there helpless. As soon as he saw her he ran over to go get her down until,

"Well, well, well! Look who we have here! It's U.A!" Exclaimed Shigaraki from the top of the hideout. It came as a jumpscare to Deku, but he kept his composure.

"And we even have some pros here too! It's loud boy, depressy, big girl, astronaut, and All Might's replacement!" Continued Shigaraki. Endeavor was infuriated by his nickname.

"Hey who are you calling All Might replacement Hand Boy?!" Screamed Endeavor from the bottom of the hideout.

"Oh, you want to start a fight I see. Well in that case!" Shiagraki then charges towards Endeavor with a goal of murder, before Endeavor hits him with a fire attack.

"Gah! GUYS GET DOWN HERE!" yelled Shigaraki. Shigaraki's entire villian group came from a room at the top and had devious grins on they're faces. They all came down and charged at the U.A students and the pros. They were able to attack or dodge the villians charging at them. "Look out!" Shouted Iida as the villians started attacking. When everyone was okay, it was the good guy's turn to attack.

"DETROIT SMMMMMAAAAAAAAASSSSSHHHHH!" Shouted Deku as he went after Shigaraki. Shigaraki got out of the way, which made Deku tumble across the ground.

Uraraka's P.O.V

I was dangling alone in the base of the hideout. All of the villians had gone to the second floor to do whatever, while I just dangled there, useless. I had to have been alone in my thoughts for two hours until, I heard a door open. I figured it was Toga coming back for more blood. I heard footsteps coming my way and braced myself for the pain until-

"Well, well, well! Look who we have here! It's U.A!" Exclaimed Shigaraki from the top of the second floor.

"Oh no, they came! Why? They're going to get hurt!" I thought to myself. I wanted nothing more than to be rescued from this prison but at the same time I didn't want anyone to come and get me because I knew they would get hurt trying to do so.

"And we even have some pros here too!" "Oh no not them too!" I thought to myself again.

"It's loud boy, depressy, big girl, astronaut, and All Might's replacement!" Taunted Shigaraki. Endeavor hated this and screamed,

"Hey who are you calling All Might replacement Hand Boy?!"

"Oh, you want to start a fight I see. Well in that case!" I'm wasn't exactly sure what happened but I heard someone who I guessed to be Shigaraki get hit up against a wall.

"Gah! GUYS GET DOWN HERE!" Yelled Shigaraki.

"Yep, it was him who got hit." I thought to myself. After that a heard a bunch of yelling and who I believe was Iida shouting

"Look out!" There was a few seconds of no fighting and then I heard none other than Deku shout

"DETROIT SMMMMMAAAAAAAAASSSSSHHHHH!" And then what had to be him tumbling to the ground. I wanted to cry. I felt awful that my friends and pros were doing this for me. I appreciated they were doing but, I wished they would just go and save themselves and leave me to suffer. But alas, I heard someone crash into something and yelp in pain. I figured it was Mina but I couldn't be sure. I was just lost in thought until I heard Todoroki yell

"Midoriya! Grab her!" And after a few seconds I felt Deku's arms grab me. The cords that were sucking my blood were yanked out of me and I jolted open my eyes. I saw my classmates and the pros fighting the villians while I was in the air. I couldn't see much since my vision was blurry and I felt really sick, but I could definitely tell that was what was going on. I finally hit the ground still safe in Deku's arms and he set me down on the ground in a corner away from the chaos. I couldn't sit up and flopped onto the ground when he tried to sit me up.

"D-Deku?" I asked, my voice really quiet and breaky.

"Hey! You'll be fine. Just stay over here and please don't move okay?" He asked me. I could tell he was worried by the tone of his voice. I wasn't sure if it was because of the condition I was in, or because he was scared they weren't going to win the fight.

"B-Be s-safe." I said, still in awful condition.

"Don't worry about me." He replyed. He put me in a more comfortable position and ran off to join the fight. I felt awful. All I could do was lay there and watch as they risked they're lives to help me. I get that we're going to be heroes and that's what we're supposed to do, but they shouldn't have done this because I shouldn't have let myself get kidnapped in the first place.

The young girl felt like more of a villian than the actual ones in the situation

Alright! That is it for chapter twenty everybody! Thank you so much for reading and this is random_user52007 reminding you to keep being awesome and have a beautiful day! Also don't forget to check out the positively amazing violin cover of Unravel. I love it so much.

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