Chapter 12

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Hey guys random_user52007 here bringing you another installment of my fanfiction so I just wanted to know. How many of you guys like Sword art online? I love it but I know a lot of people hate it so I wanna know how many people like it anyway on with my Fanfic

3rd person P.O.V

It was almost time for prom and everyone was getting ready. The girls in the girl's bathroom and the boys in the boy's bathroom and before they knew it it was time to go.

The students arrived and the entire area was decked out with holographic streamers, the lights were turned off and spotlights lit up the room, and best of all there was a giant disco ball in the middle of the dance floor. "Woah! This looks amazing!" Exclaimed Kaminari followed by a bunch of oohs and aahs by his stunned classmates. "It's positively Dazzling!" Said Aoyama his eyes sparkling even more than usual. The students made they're way around the room and after a while they eventually grouped off with girls in one group and the boys in another. Uraraka was staring off into space thinking until Jiro got her attention with, "So, you gonna dance with you're Boyfriend?" That word she used to describe Deku made her start blushing "S-Stop! H-He's not my boyfriend!" Said Uraraka while the girls were giggling at how ridiculous she was acting. "Attention all students! Our slow dance is about to begin!" Yelled Present Mic "Go ask her to dance." Said Bakugo gesturing to Uraraka. This made Deku's eyes widen and face turn red. "W-WHAT?!" Asked Deku, who was extremely shocked by Bakugo's order. "Go ask her or I'll tell her you love her." Ordered Bakugo extremely bluntly. "Bakugo that's blackmail!!" Exclaimed Iida doing his robot arms. "SHUT UP FOUR EYES!!" Yelled Bakugo at Iida. "Now you heard me, go ask her." "O-Okay..." Said Deku he then slowly made his way over to the girl's group. Uraraka had finally calmed down from her blushing fit and was talking to the girls. Deku had finally gotten over to Uraraka and tapped on her should to grab her attention. "H-Hey, d-do you wanna d-dance?" He asked The anti gravity user. This made her grow a light blush and her eyes widen. And it made the rest of the girls gasp out of excitement "S-Sure!" She said delightfully. They made they're way to the dance floor. Once they got there Deku hesitantly grabbed onto her waist and Uraraka wrapped her arms around his neck, also quite hesitantly. They swayed across the dance floor occasionaly stepping on each other's feet but to them it didn't matter. "Ow!" Whisper shouted Uraraka after Deku had stepped on her foot. "S-Sorry. I'm not the best dancer. Heh heh." Apologized Deku after hearing her show signs of pain. "Oh no it's fine! I'm not a great dancer either..." Said Urarakak slightly blushing.

"Do you want to dance?" Asked Todoroki to Momo. "H-Huh?" Momo was shocked by his question. "O-Oh nevermind, shouldn't have asked. Sorry." Todoroki started to walk away before Momo grabbed his arm. "I-I'd love to!" She said while blushing.(dang everyone in this story is always blushing huh?) They then made they're way to the dance floor as well.

"Sooo" Said Kaminari as he tried to "smoothly" put his arm around Jiro. "No." Said Jiro with no hesitation. "Awwww come on!" Whined Kaminari. "No!" Exclaimed Jiro even more coldly than before. "Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase?" She saw the sparkle in his eye and caved in. "Ugh, FINE! Just don't try anything stupid!" She ordered. Kaminari then yanked her onto the dance floor and they began dancing.

"So do you um, want to, um, d-dance? Asked Tokoyami to Tsuyu nervously. "U-um sure!" Answered the frog girl while blushing. Then they walked to the dance floor and also began dancing.

"So, uh, uh, uh, DOYOUWANNADANCEWITHME?" Asked Ojiro to Toru. "Do I wanna wha- YEAH I'LL DANCE WITH YOU COME ON!!" Yelled Toru as she practically dragged him onto the dance floor.

"Hey Kirishima!" Said Mina as she walked over to him. "Oh hey Mi- Woah!" Kirishima couldn't finish his sentence before he was also dragged onto the dance floor. (I AM SO SORRY KIRIBAKU SHIPPERS)

"Oh hey Mei." Greeted Tenya to Mei Hatsume as she walked into the door. "Hey Tenya." Greeted Mei as she walked over. "Dang everyone's just swayin away out there huh? "Yeah..." replyed Tenya. Suddenly an idea hit Mei. "Hey maybe we could dance!" "E-Eh?!" Replyed Tenya he was now a tomato. "W-Well it'd be rude to turn you down s-so okay!" Replyed Tenya still as red as a tomato.

"Y-You look beautiful!" Deku said trying to break the silence. "Thanks! You look nice too!" Replyed Uraraka. "H-Hey Deku, not to sound rude but, why did you want me to dance with you?" Asked Uraraka to the one for all user. "H-Huh? O-Oh Kacchan dared me." Replyed Deku with a slight blush on his face. "N-NOT T-THAT I DON'T WANT TO DANCE WITH YOU I JU-" "Deku it's fine! We don't have to dance anymore if you don't want to. You don't have to lie to me." This sentence from Uraraka mad him feel awful. "N-No it's not that, I'm actually really glad I get to dance with you, I just thought that when I said it was a dare you took it the wrong way. I'm happy you let me dance with you." He said giving her a warm smile. "I love him. So much." The girl thought to herself. The song then ended and the students had to stop dancing so they all went back to they're groups and started to hang out once again.

"So what's the plan?" Asked Toga "The plan is whenever the girl steps outside we hit her with this pipe and drag her to our base." Answered Shigaraki. "However you'll need some of her blood in order to disguise as her for the rest of the night."

Trouble is coming...

Alright guys! That is it for chapter twelve everyone! Thank you so much for reading and this is random_user52007 reminding you to keep being awesome and have a beautiful day!!!!

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