Chapter 18

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Hey guys random_user52007 here bringing you another installment of my fanfiction! Now a little backstory, I'll typically put some drawings from my notebook or some random pictures I find off of the internet as the background for my chapters but I tried digital art after a few weeks and decided whatever came out would be the background for the chapter and y'all got this. I think I did the eyes a bit too big but whatever. The shading and wrinkles are awful too but whatever.  Anyways on with the chapter!

Midoriya's P.O.V

It was past curfew but I didn't care. I had to find help. I realized all of my teachers are probably home, sk I ran to the police station. When I arrived slammed open the door. "Hi, How may I assi-"


"I'm sorry what?" Asked the receptionist. I took a second to catch my breath and calm down.

"I go to U.A, and there have been a lot of villain attacks on me and my class. This time the league of villians are plotting something big and they have this villain in they're group that can ingest someone's blood and turn into them for a certain amount of time based on the amount she drinks. The league of villians must have eiher kidnapped or killed my friend because she was disguising as her. I caught the girl who was diguised as my friend on the phone with her leader and video taped the conversation because I knew something was up. I can show you it if you want me to." I replyed.

"Here, let me call the pros. I can't help you since I'm the receptionist." She got on the phone and called the hero agencies. Mr. Aizawa, Mt.Lady and 13 arrived soon later.

"Midoriya what are you doing here? Youre supposed to be at the dorms." Asked Mr.Aizawa.

"I think the league of villians of villians either kidnapped or murdered Uraraka." I replyed. Mr.Aizawa raised an eyebrow.

"Midoriya, what do you mean.?"

"Here let me show you." I pulled out my phone and showed the three heroes the video.

"Eraserhead, isn't that one of you're students?" Asked Mt.Lady.

"It is." I interrupted.

"But the league of villians has a member who can drink people's blood and morph into them for a certain amount of time."

"I remember her, Midoriya You really think they did something to Uraraka?" Asked Mr.Aizawa, in an extremely serious tone of voice.

"I'm sure. Shigaraki called the girl Toga, which is the girl whose been disguising as Uraraka's name." I answered. "Is the girl still on campus?" Asked 13

"I'm pretty sure. However, she's been leaving to go to what I suppose is they're hideout to get some more blood so she might be gone. However, I'm pretty sure she's there." I answered.

"Okay then, what's the plan?" "We should probably call the cops to the dormhouse and get that girl taken into custody. Then we'll figure out what to do from there." Answered 13 to Mt.Lady.

"Alright then, hey can you call in some cops to go to U.A for an arrest?" Asked Mr.Aizawa. The receptionist called the cops as well as got us a ride back to the dorms. We arrived around the same time the cops did.

They barged throuh the door, ran up the stairs slammed Uraraka's door open and arrested Toga. She freaked out and asked, "Hey! What are you doing?"

"Miss. Toga you're under arrest!" Answered the cop. They finally got her downstairs and into the cop car and my class mates woke up and saw it all.

"Why was Ochako arrested?" Asked Asui who looked like she was about have a heart attack.

"That wasn't Uraraka." I answered.

"We have been led to believe that the league of villians have either killed, or kidnapped you're friend." Answered Mt.Lady

"What?!" My classmates all said in unison.

"Do you guys remember the girl, Toga with the blonde hair and buns that's apart of the league of villians?" I asked my classmates.

"I remember her from the training camp! She took some of Ochako's blood with this weird tool thing. She was creepy." Answered Asui.

"Well whoever she is she's been disguising as you're friend. We aren't sure what the league of villians did with her though since they had to have had her." Said 13.

"I can show you the video." I said. My class mates crowded around me and I played the video. They were all shocked. Yaoyorozu frowned. "We have to find her soon, otherwise lord knows what they might do to Uraraka if they haven't done anything to her already."

"I'll tell the cops to do an interrogation on her to find the hideout. Then we'll see if you're friend's there. Otherwise, we'll have to file a missing oerson report and hope for the best." Said Mt.Lady solemnly.

"If you're going to the hideout then we're going too!" Exclaimed Toru.

"What? No! It's too-"

"Don't you dare say it's too dangerous!" Yelled Bakugo, cutting of Mr.Aizawa.

"We're almost pros and we've done enough training to know what to do." Chimed in Todoroki.

"Yeah, plus Uraraka's our friend! We can't just sit back and wait for things to pan out!" Said Toru, clearly upset.

"We have our licenses." I added.

Mt. Lady thought for a second,"I don't see why not Eraser." Mr.Aizawa sighed. "Fine." When hearing this my classmates all cheered.

"However, we can't go until we have the coordinates. And the girl may not even tell us. But if we find out the location we're going as soon as possible so be prepared. Now you guys go off to sleep. It's late." Ordered Mr.Aizawa. We all went up to our rooms, but if they're like me they probably couldn't sleep.

Well, that's it for chapter 18 everyone! Sorry for the short chapter, but if I wrote anymore it probably would have been useless sentences to make the word count go up lol. Anyway ps thank you so much for reading and this is random_user52007 reminding you to keep being awesome and have a beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!

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