Chapter 16

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Hey guys random_user52007 here bringing you another installment of my fanfiction! I don't have anything to say so on with the chapter!

Toga's P.O.V

I was too tired to hang out. I ran what had to have been like a million miles there and back and then had to wait outside to cool down before I could go inside so they wouldn't be suspicious. I shouldn't have hung around for long. But it was fun hearing them talk about torture! They were talking about how once they had the information they needed hey were gonna hurt Ochako in as many ways as possible! It is kinda sad they're doing that to her but oh well! I plopped down on Ochako's bed put my head down and sighed. I began to think of how fun it was gonna be whenever we can take U.A down. I began to think about how amazing it would be when the league of villains finally has domination. I began to think of how amazing it would be when me and Deku got married and had six kids. But that's a plan of my own. However, whenever I started thinking about the exciting things I started thinking about the, well, not so exciting things. Like what would happen if the mission fails. Or what would happen they find out I'm not Ochako. Really anything that could go wrong. I decided to drown out these thoughts by going back to my happy thoughts. And before I knew it I was asleep.

The next morning

I woke up that morning at around 7:00 because since I'm Ochako I have to go to school. I didn't have to go back to our hideout until later at night because I got the right amount this time. I walked downstairs, grabbed breakfast, and greeted everyone as if I was Ochako. I sat down next to Deku again this morning.

"So how was the movie?" I asked my future husband. "It was great! After defeating the big ink villain two characters kissed in the rain and they're team became the heroes of Japan!" (I love you if you know which movie I'm talking about.)

"It sounds like you enjoyed it!" I said putting on a smile.

"Yeah. Anyway it's 7:15 so we should probably finish our breakfast and get going." He stated. After we finished breakfast we grabbed our backpacks and walked to school with a guy named Iida, the class rep or whatever. The entire way there he kept lecturing us about random things and it was getting on my nerves. But I had to keep my composure since Ochako's apparently friends with this guy. During class they didn't do too much except review a couple thigs since it was the end of the year and stuff but one of the things they did review were a couple of battle tactics so I took note of those and made sure to tell Tomura. When it came to lunchtime me Deku and that Iida guy sat down at a table. "We only have a few weeks left huh?" Said Deku as we sat down. "Yeah. It'll be hapoy and sad when we graduate. Happy because we'll be heroes but sad because school's over and all of those good times we have as a class will be gone." Said qfIida or whatever his name is. "That's not true. We'll still hang out together like we do now. We're graduating not moving across the world." Said Deku trying to lighten fast boy's spirits. After he said that I kinda zoned out because this conversation was getting boring because it had nothing to with me, but my attention was grabbed whenever The Iida guy said,

"So here's to staying friends no matter what the circumstance!" Deku then chimed in with "Yeah!" And after a couple seconds I left my thoughts and went

"Huh? Oh, Yeah!" I said deadpan until I realized what they wanted me to say yeah.

"Are you okay Uraraka? You seem out of it lately." Said Deku wih a concerned look on his face.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine!" I said plastering a smile across my disguised face.

"You sure? You've been going to bed earlier and you don't really seem like yourself." He said, still concerned about me, well, Ochako.

"Im sure!" I said, still trying to act cheery and smiley.

"Okay then. Just let us know if something's wrong." Said Iida.

"I will." I said. After that the day drug on until it was finally time to go back to the dorm house. I went to Ochako's room slung her backpack down locked the door to her room since I would be out for a while since it takes a millennium to get there and back so I wouldn't want them opening the door and seeing I was gone. After that I walked dowbstairs, made sure no one was looking and slipped out. I wanted to go earlier rather than later so I could be back before dark. I was going to see if it wasn't too dangerous to grab enough for more than one day so I wouldn't have to make a trip every day.

Time skip

Uraraka's P.O.V

"Hey Tomura! I was thinking I could grab more than a day's worth so I wouldn't have to make too many trips. Is that alright?" Asked Toga. I was praying the answer would be no. If it wasn't then I would have to endure the pain for even longer. But, Shigaraki said it was okay. He said that it would be a lot less suspicious if she didn't have to make a trip everyday.

"Hey Twice turn on the lever!" Shouted Shigaraki from the bottom of the hideout. Twice switched the lever and all I could feel was pain. It went on for what had to be a minute.

"She's so pale!" Exclaimed Toga from below me. I had to have been really white based off of how much blood it felt like they took.

"When do I make my next trip?" Asked Toga.

"You probably won't have to come back for 3 or 4 days." Answered Shigaraki. I feel so awful. U.A us going to be infiltrated because of me. Because I couldn't protect myself. I have no place being a hero. I have failed my parents, my friends, my teachers, and Deku. I'm completely helpless...

The young girl felt awful.

Hey guys sorry for the hiatusm I had kind of a burnout. But I'm back with more ideas and ready to go! Thank you for reading my story and this is random_user52007 reminding you to keep being awesome and have a beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!

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