Chapter 21

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Hey guys random_user52007 here bringing you another installment of my fanfiction. I just would like to take a second to remember Cameron Boyce. He just passed away, and he was an amazing actor. Rest in peace Cameron you will be missed.

3rd person P.O.V

The fight was still going on. Uraraka looked half dead, and he league of villians seemed way stronger than the last encounter.

Mina went to go squirt acid at Nomu until,

"DARK SHADOW!" Tokoyami shouted. Tokoyami saw Dabi running over to Uraraka, and had Dark Shadow grab him, and throw him against a wall. But, whenever Dabi was thrown, he hit Mina and they both crashed. Mina had more than likely broken her arm, but the amount of adrenaline inside of her made her feel no pain at all and continued fighting.

Bakugo snuck up behind Twice, and blasted him. But, Twice was able to slide on his feet and avoid any damage.

"Nice try. Time for you to die!" Taunted Twice.

"Don't say that YET!" Said Bakugo with extra aggression. He tryed blasting him but Twice quickly mived out of the way, snuck up behind him, and kicked him to the ground.

"GAH!" Yelled Bakugo when he hit the ground.

Nomu caught Midnight's attention, whenever he went to attack Mineta. She tried to make him fall unconscious.

"Take this y-" Threatened Midnight. However, it was her who fell unconscious. Nomu hit her in the head with so much impact, that she was out like a light.

"Oh, no not waifu number 7!"

Endeavor, Dabi, and Todoroki were in the middle of a heated fight.

"You really think you're going to win this, don't you?!" Yelled Endeavor.

"I don't think so. I KNOW SO!" Screamed Dabi, as he shot a bolt at Endeavor. Thankfully, Endeavor was able to leap to the ground and avoid ge attack. Todoroki shot a bolt back at Dabi, which he didn't expect, and was sent sliding against the ground.

"Great job son!" Oraised Endeavor to Todoroki. Dabi got up,

"He hasn't done nothing to me yet!" Dabi shot his signature blue fire at Todoroki. Todoroki blocked the attack with his ice quirk, but, he still took impact and was thrown up against a wall. He was alright, got up, and continued fighting with his Father.

Shigaraki and Deku were having it out. Every time they would attack each other they would both dodge.

"You guys really think you're going to win this don't you? With all of the quirks I've gathered over the years, and my member's strengths there's no stopping us now! If you were going to win his fight it would have happened sooner don't you think?" Asked Shigaraki threateningly, as he used a lightning quirk to shoot a bolt at Deku was knocked back, however, whenever he got knocked back a puff of smoke and dirt clouded the area where they were fighting, and Shigaraki couldn't see him anywhere.

It came as quite a shock to him when he heard, "ONE FOR ALL FULL COWLING!!!" Coming from behind him. Deku had snuck up behind Shigaraki from the of cloud smoke and dirt and used One for all to knock Shigaraki into the ground. Shigaraki was angry at this,  and used a fire quirk to attack Deku, but missed. Instead, it hit on of the support beams. The building started to crumble and pieces of debris were falling from the ceiling. Everyone quickly realized what was going on, and started to flee the building.

"EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE!" Screamed 13, as he slung an unconscious Midnight over his shoulder. Everyone was piling out of the building. Everyone, except for Deku, that is. Deku was doing what he primarily came here to do. Save Uraraka.

"Midoriya! What are you doing?!" Questioned Todoroki as he was about to exit the building. He had waited until he was sure everyone had gotten out, before he left himself.

"I'm grabbing Uraraka! Get out of here, we'll be fine!" Screamed Deku from across the room. Todoroki knew that as heroes, they were supposed to help anyone who needed help, even if they had to put they're lives in danger. Deku, however, knew this most of all and he would with no hesitation would do that for someone, especially Uraraka. Todoroki ran out to the rest of his classmates and the pros.

"D-Deku...?" Weakly, questioned Uraraka, as she saw a blurry Deku running towards her.

"I'm getting you out of here!"

"N-No! G-Go save yourself!" Cried Uraraka, still weakly. She didn't want the young boy to risk his life for her, as he already did so much for her already. Right as she said that, a piece of the building came crumbling down.

"I'm not leaving you!" Exclaimed Deku. He scooped her up in his arms, much to Uraraka's surprise, and started running as fast as he could to the exit.

Todoroki ran out of the building to his classmates and the pros who were waiting outside.

"Where's Midoriya and Uraraka?" Asked Mr.Aizawa.

"Midoriya went to grab Uraraka." Replyed Todoroki. Right as Todoroki said that, a piece of the building came crashing down. Everyone gasped. The boys, couldn't believe this was happening, and the girls, including Mineta were about to burst into tears. After a few more seconds, another piece of the building came crashing down, right in front of the exit.

Deku was almost to the exit, until the building started crashing down right in front of they're way out. Deku was in a panic. He set Uraraka down close to him, and started moving the pieces of debris. He could manage to get most of them, but, he couldn't get the heavier ones that were mostly blocking the exit. "Ungh!" Deku grunted, struggling to get the heavier pieces. Uraraka saw that he was struggling, and limply, moved over to the geavier oieces and started moving them wuth her quirk. She had moved the pieces they needed out of the way. However, her body couldn't take anymore and she collapsed.

"Uraraka!" Exclaimed Deku. He grabbed her, and got out of the building just before the entire thing came crashing down.

"Hey there they are!" Cried Toru. Deku ran over to them as fast as he could.

"She needs help!" He exclaimed. Uraraka was unconscious. Her body had taken a major beating these past couple of days and She looked extremely dehydrated.

"Mt.Lady! Call 911!" Ordered Mr.Aizawa. All anyone could do was panic.

They were all worried about they're friend.

Well, that's it for chapter twenty one everyone! Thank you so much for the support and I am very sorry for the mini hiatus. I have no clue how to write fight scenes and needed a little bit to brain storm. Anyway thank you so much for reading! And this is random_user52007 reminding you to keep being awesome and have a beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!

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