Chapter 9

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*Valkyries POV*

"Carol?" I groaned,my eyes still shut.

I went to pull her close but I felt nothing. I felt empty.

"Carol!" I whimpered. "Come back to bed!"


My eyes shoot open and I look to the side of me.

She wasn't there.

I frown in frustration. Where could she be? I thought to myself.

I put my hand over her side of the bed. It wasn't warm. It felt cold. She hadn't been here in a while. I turned over and looked at the time to only be brought to a note. I rubbed my eyes and picked up the note. As I read it,my jaw dropped.

"She left." I whispered to myself.

I didn't know what to do. She had told me to not try and get into contact with her...but was I actually going to listen? No.

I grab my device and call carol.

No answer.

I call again. And again. And again.

And still. No answer.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I yelled wanting to pull my hair out.

How could she just leave with no explanation. What was she doing?


*Carols POV*

"You need to stop this. You're going to kill innocent people. Go back to your planet and leave us at peace!" I yelled

"We want your people to help build our community."
The creatures from sadar were giants. Possibly 10 feet tall,Blue from head to toe. They all had discombobulated faces,with capes that were covering their body.

"They're not slaves. They're only trying to enjoy their lives." I scolded.

"I'm not going to argue about this. I have a valid explanation for my reasoning. Accept my conquest and let me take each and every soul."

"Never. You have a choice. We can talk this out or fight it out."

He didn't answer.

"Fight it out? Ok!"

I blasted the creature and kicked it into the sky. It's little army comes charging at me shooting blasts from their chests. I blocked some and jumped into the air trying to aim at each head separately. The leader comes down from the sky and lands on me. He throws a heavy punch on my face causing me to fly back into the warehouse behind me.

We were in the middle of nowhere here in Paris. We were in some abandoned town that nobody could find us in.

I get back up and start blasting the leader once again. He comes down landing on my face. I groan as he picks me up by my neck and tosses me into his army.

Dazed,I pushed myself up sitting in the middle of all of them. My cheeks and finger tips were tingling from their leaders blast. He was slowly floating down watching from above thinking I was going to be killed by his army.

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