Chapter 14

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"Jesus Christ." I whispered under my breath.

There goes Paris. We were back in New York City to deal with these "things". Thor Couldn't Identify them...he cant identify anything really. I just wanted my friend back. I wanted fury back from whatever trouble he's in. It's my task. I was hoping that this wasnt bigger than it sounded to be.

"Carol?" Val asked,jumping me out of my thoughts.

I looked down at my feet. "Yea love?"

"What's on your mind? You look worried..."

I sighed "to be honest with you...I'm nervous about fury. You know I'm always there for him when he's in danger-I've always been there to make sure he won't get in any danger in the first place-So just getting this news...worries me. I don't want to feel guilty if anything seriously goes wrong."

She walked up to me rubbing my back. I returned a weak smile.

"Everything will be okay. Just think positive. Don't jump into conclusions too soon. We still don't know what's going on-"

"Fury's about to die." Thor buds in.

I roll my eyes,stepping away from val.
"Seriously? I don't need that on my conscious right now,Thor."

"Hey. Sometimes jumping to conclusions is a good thing. It keeps you almighty prepared!" He said clenching his fist.

I squinted at him,smiling. I stuck my thumb up. "Yea ok. Whatever's best for you."

"Come here my love. Talk to me." Val said reaching out for my hand.

I accept her hand and follow her to the back of the house.

Meanwhile later that day we spoke with one another and cracked the case. Fury was held hostage in a space craft above out atmosphere. They took most of shields information. It seemed to be another group of extra terrestrial forms from galaxies away. They wanted us for technology since their planet was dying. And who do they go to? The heart of shield,The brain of shield. The man that knows everything...Nick Fury.

Can't forget about Maria hill. They have her too. The ship was quite big. Maybe 300 aliens aboard at least.

"Ready?" I asked Thor and Valkyrie.

"Don't forget. lil stuffed animal over here is joining us again." V stated.

Rocket scoffed. "Oh shut the hell up. Ya full it."

"Thor?" I asked turning to him. He was downing a beer. He turns to me crushing the can and throwing it behind him not caring less that he's deteriorating his lawn.

"Yup!" He said childly popping the P.

We aboard the ship once again. I sighed,knowing things were going to go wrong with one of us. I just had a feeling.

"What's honestly the point of Me being with you guys On this ship? I could just fly up there instead of hearing you two argue. That's all you guys do. " I said to rocket and Thor.

Valkyrie scoffed,hitting me in the arm.

"you're here on this ship To give me a distraction while they fight it up."

She had a point.

"Aye yo! Thor! stop pushin' the damn buttons!" Rocket yelled.

"I'm going to need you to calm down little one. I'm trying to start the engine."

"Ya Effin stupid. Honestly. You know that? Ya not even in the right seat, dip shit. IM in the control seat. Get lost."

Thor ignored and cracked open another beer.

"It takes two seconds to get up there so finish that shit fast." Rocket scolded.

Me and Valkyrie laughed at their bickering. Rocket pulled the lever and we rose into the air and shot towards the sky.

Valkyrie shut her eyes and held onto my hand due to the minor turbulence.

"Why are you scared? Didn't you used to ride ships daily?"

"I'm not scared of the ship. I just downed two jugs of beer and I'm not trying to throw up."

I put my head back on the seat laughing.

"You need to be sober for situations like this."

" least when I drink I'm more awareeee!" She sang.

I chuckled.

Minutes passed.
"That's one big ass ship." Rocket said.

I looked threw the glass.

"I wonder how many of their supplies I can steal." He joked.

"Rocket shut up." V hissed.

"Shit." I said under my breath.

Thor looked towards me. "What is it?"

"That's Yon-Roggs ship."

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