15. KNJ

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You walked into the reception area to find it completely empty. Checking on the invitation card in your hand, you tried to figure out if your arrived at the wrong place.

Just then, someone walked up to you, called you by your name, which was surprising since you'd never met the young lady before.

She ushered you to the entrance of a hallway and then briskly walked away.
You turned to the hallway, it had a soft orange lighting, red paper hearts on the walls and a red carpet stretching all the way to a door. Dotting the entire floor were single roses petals.

It was so romantic and just as you took the first step, a beautiful song began to play.

Hearts beat fast, colours and promises.
How to brave. How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall ...watching you stand alone all of my doubts suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
All along I believed I will find
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more.....

The song ended just as you took your last step. It was almost as if it had been harmonized with how fast you walk.

You smiled as you turned the handle of the door. It opened slowly to reveal a big bed laid perfectly with white. Everything on it was so white. Rose petals spread from the bed and all over the floor. The night stand held a bucket of ice and a bottle of champagne.

The room had a soft pink hue and smelled of lilies.
You glanced around the room as you tried to find something that would make sense to you.

You began to wonder if this was a case of mistaken delivery. Maybe someone had planned a wonderful evening for someone special but you'd ended up receivung the card mistakenly.

If that was the case you had to do something. Turning the card over in your hand, you inspected it for any numbers.

The delivery company had their number printed on the back.

Smiling, you pulled out your phone and called. It was a short call actually where they insisted, you were the correct recipient of the card.

After ending the call, your brows creased in confusion as you slowly sat on the bed.

Since you got here, you've been trying to call him but he wasn't picking up.
You finally gave up and decided to leave.

As soon as you pulled back the door, he smiled down at you and took a step forward forcing you to take one backwards.

You found yourself back in the room with Kim Namjoon.
"was this your idea? "
"what do you think? "
"stop playing games with me, I've already lost my patience "

"relax", he said as he held your shoulder and pushed you gently Si you could sit on the bed.

"Here", he handed you a flute and louted champagne for you.
You took a sip of it and turned to look at him as he sat close to you on the bed.

If you knew Kim Namjoon the way you thought you did, he was up to his old tricks again.
There was no other reason for this.

3 months ago, he'd done the same thing to you. Rented a boat, planned a romantic dinner, driven your hopes so high you'd thought he'd ask you to marry him.
Then he'd pulled out a black box and you'd ended up finding the bitter truth.

It didn't have the ring you supposed it carried, rather he'd bought a couple bracelet.

As the memories flashed before you, you eyed him suspiciously.

No way was he gonna fool you again.

He looked at you and smiled again. For as long as you could remember, his dimples made you smile back.
"actually.... I brought you here because today's a special day "
"is it my birthday "
"no, it's mine... "
"Ow right.... "
"today I wanted to give you a special gift"

You rolled your eyes, you've seen this before.
He got down on one knee and pulled out a blue box.
You looked on as his old prank continued.
He opened it to reveal the new Chanel blue diamond earring set for summer.
It sparkled gently and you marvelled at it's beauty.

"will you do me the honour of wearing this anytime you miss me? ....
Namjoon always had the best gifts but you worried he might be spending too much in you.
He glared pointedly at you as he whispered, "don't even dare to complain "

He blinked at him when he remained on his knee. Then he pulled out another box, this on was red.
It was probably a bracelet,you thought.
"will you do me the honour of.... "
"....marrying me? "
"wait what? "
"will you marry me...? "
You smiled happily as he opened the box to reveal a simple gold ring set in two spheres with an amethyst shining brightly in its centre. It was so beautiful. You'd waited so long and you couldn't believe it was actually happening.
You looked up at Namjoon who had a smile so wide, you thought his cheeks were doughnuts.

A tear rolled down your cheek as you slowly came to terms with the beautiful reality and your voice broke as you whispered a yes, nodding so much, you thought your head would roll off.

He slipped the ring onto your finger and finally stood up looking into your amethyst eyes.
"you're so beautiful and now you're finally... mine"
"I was always yours baby, always and forever "

He smiled again and you leaned in as you sealed your word with a kiss. When you pulled away, you pushed his face away playfully and he frowned at your gesture. You wagged your eyebrows, then shook your head lightly with a smile,

"Kim Namjoon, you really are the King of surprises"...

"Kim Namjoon, you really are the King of surprises"

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