17. KSJ

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You sat the fan event and listened to their new album. All the songs on it were your favourite.
The queue moved and soon it was your turn. The boys were as lively as ever greeting every fan and making meme faces.

You went through all the 7 boys and smiled when Jin grabbed your cheeks and pulled them a little.
Finally, you moved on and exited the room.

You went back home and reminisced the day. Being a hairstylist was a demanding job as you checked your phone to find a text.

You picked up your bag and left quickly.
You finished curling the hair and added a touch of hair spray.
"wow this looks amazing "
"you look beautiful ", you said.
"I'll recommend you to a friend, make sure your phone is close at all times, she might call you soon"
"thank you", you nodded and took your payment.

Exiting the house, your phone rang
"hello, am I speaking to the stylist? "
" yes please "
"can you make it tomorrow? "
"yes of course"
"and bring more hands if you can"
"OK thank you"

You needed the call excitedly as you made your way home.

Next morning,
Your phone rang again.
"hello, are you ready? "
"yes please"
"I'll send a van over for you "
"OK, thank you "
"wait at the bus stop"

You quickly called your assistant and asked her to make it in time because there was free transportation.
When the van arrived 20 minutes later you were both ready.

The van pulled up at the back of a building. You are ushered through the back doors inside the big building.
And when the elevators finally stopped, you were surprised to see a dance practice room on the far left.

You two were then taken into a room the size of your parlour, if not bigger.

Seated in the room were 7boys. BTS Boys.
"please get to work, we have a shoe to attend ", their manger said.

You got over your initial shock and set to work.

1 hour later, you had worked your magic on Jungkook.
The next victim was J-hope and you set to work as your assistant finished with RM and began to work on Suga.

Another hour passed by and you moved from Jimin to Jin while your assistant finished up on Taehyung.

Jin locked eyes with you when you started to apply eyeliner under his eyes. You averted your gaze and focused on his brows when you felt his tongue wetly lick the inside of your palm. You dropped the pallettte nervously and apologized.

You finally finished with his makeup and moved to his hair. It was so fluffy like a bear's. So silky it brushed through your fingers like petals.

The manger handed you paid you the agreed sum and you smiled and bowed before you made your way downstairs. Just as you reached the exit doors, you heard someone call.

"miss.... Miss Stylist "
You turned around to behold the face of the man named Jin.
"thank you for making me look hot"
" you came all the way down here to tell me that???, it's what I get paid to do so there's really no need to thank me"
"wanna grab dinner sometime over the weekend?" " are you asking me out?... "
"y-yeah sorta"

You smiled at him and pulled a complimentary card.
"call me"

Your assistant smiled as you walked out of the door.
"you got that man wrapped around your finger "
You glared at her and then you both laughed.

Saturday night.
You sat across Jin in the Casa Dorado restaurant. You'd already finished your dinner and chatting over red well-aged wine.
"I had a wonderful night", you admitted.
"thank you for coming"

Smiling shyly, you found yourself throat dry.
"the boys will most likely not let me live this down" "it's because you probably haven't gone on many dates"

You hid your laugh and bit the inside of your cheek.
"why hasn't a handsome man like you gone on countless dates? "
"hmm, I always lose interest quickly so we usually don't make it afyervtge first date"
"wow.... Very insightful "

He laughed at that and his eyes turned into the shape of half moons.
"so are you gonna lose interest, you know, in me... Soon? "
"I don't think so, you're a very interesting woman to be around "
"are you just saying that to pacify me? "
"no I would never give you a compliment I don't mean"

You smiled at the man before you.
"shall we go? "

He led you out of the restaurant with his arm around your waist.
The car pulled up in front of your apartment and you waited patiently as he opened the door for you.
You smiled again standing on your tipsy toes so you could peck him on his cheek. He blushed a little at that.
"thank you for being such a gentleman "
"anytime Mi Lady "

He walked you to your door and held your hand gently in his
"what do you say to us doing this some other time?"
"I would absolutely love it"

Your eyes drifted shut as his soft lips found your temple in a chaste kiss.
You walked dreamily into your apartment and closed the door behind you watching as his face disappeared behind it.

You jumped around like a 3year old and froze when you heard a knock on your door.

Walking over, you were astonished to see him behind the door.
"actually I forgot to give you this "
You looked at the Osaka concert ticket in your hand and squealed excitedly.

He smiled as you finally managed to stop all your screaming and say a thank you.

"Good night Jin"

He kissed your cheek briefly and you smiled when he pulled back, your hands finding both of his cheeks as you kissed him deeply on the lips.

It lasted shortly and when you pulled back you felt embarrassed at your brazen behaviour. He grabbed you and kissed you again.

"see you again", he whispered as he left you blushing to your toes....

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