Jack's Dept

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Clarissa's POV

I woke up to Jack running along the deck shouting at everyone to wake up and set sail .

"Bloody Hell Jack you woke me up"
I yelled .

Jack didn't reply but remained stood against the wooden walls of the cabin looking rather frightened which in all honesty I was rather use too as it was no lie Jack could be a coward .

"JACK ? What's going on ?"

Jack showed me his palm only to reveal what looked to be the black spot .

"The black spot ?"

Jack nodded so I continued

"What how ?"

"I owe Davy Jones a dept"

I thought about this Jack had never spoke much off Davy Jones infact I wasn't exactly sure who he was I just knew sailors from all over the seas feared the man .

"For what ?"

Before Jack could reply Mr Gibbs came over before saying

"Where we heading captain ?"


Jack began to walk off as Mr Gibbs and I shared the same confused expression .

I began wondering who Davy Jones was and why Jack was so terrified of him . I've seen Jack cower from things before but never anything like this .


Not long after The Black Pearl had been sailed ashore on a seemingly unhabitated island we was captured by some starving cannibals .

Half the crew had been eaten already or killed including my good friend Anamaria she will surely be missed .

However the currently living half of the crew was trapped in cages hanging over a gaping cliff which I could barely see the end too except for Jack who the cannibals saw as some sort of god and was keeping him with them but in Jacks eyes he probably saw them as keeping him prisoner .

A little while later the current cage I was in was joined with another person .

My eyes widened when I saw none other than William Turner .

"Will? What are you doing here ? Aren't you meant to be married and living the good old life in port royal with Elizabeth?"

"Elizabeth is in danger"

"I was expecting that I mean why else would you want our help ?"

"I need Jacks compass"

I laughed out loud at this .

"Jack would never give you his compass unless it benefitted him greatly in some way"

We explained to Will that the cannibals intend to 'release'  Jack from his human body most likely by burning or eating him and how the cages we were in was made out of the dead half of our crews bones which made Will instantly flinched his hands off the cage which was rather amusing to watch .


We began to swing the cage back and forth in hopes that we would be able to grab the sides of the cliff in order for us to climb to the top .

After many swings we finally grabbed hold of some of the stronger branches which would possibly hold all our weight .

"Put yer legs through start to climb"
I heard Gibbs shout .

We began to climb alongside the people in the cage next to ours which i don't think was from our crew .

I heard a man from the other cage say

"Oh dear"


We all began to climb faster in hopes that we would get away faster or so that we wouldn't crash to the bottom of the endless looking gap below us .

Both cages became silent as one of the cannibals walked across the bridge above us .

The cage next to ours foolishly began to continue climb whilst chuckling to themselves most likely in hope that they would get to The Black Pearl and steal it before we could return to it .

I watched as one of the men in the moving cage had a snake in his hand and began to shout and move which caused the rest of the people in that cage to do so aswell .

As the men in the cage lost grip there cage went crashing down the weight and speed causing the rope to snap which sent them crashing to there deaths .

However right now that was the least of my concerns considering the recent events caused the cannibals attention to turn to us before presumably going to get his people with his mouth rather agape .


Will yelled to which we all obliged .

The cage we was in rolled down a hill which thankfully caused the bones that made the cage to break resulting in us been released .

Cannibals began to appear except this time they had bows with arrows .

Alongside the rest of the crew I dove under the water making sure to avoid and dodge any arrows coming my way .

Luckily we all got away from the cannibals and made it to The Black Pearl . I noticed two other pirates here by ship but right now I couldn't care less .

"Where's Jack?"
I asked .

Mr Gibbs seemed completely fine with leaving Jack here which caused me to frown at him . I opened my mouth to speak but Will answered for me by saying

"I won't leave without him"

Just after Will had said that Jack cake running round the corner . Why was he running ?

My question was answered when there was the whole cannibal army following after him .

"Time to go"

In the end we all made it on board except for a dog which I didn't recognise .


"Jack where are we going ?"
I asked .

Mr Gibbs answered for me by saying

"We are going to visit her"

I instantly knew he meant Tia Dalma who I guess you could say acted somewhat like a witch .

I thought back to Jacks dept and the black spot on his hand and how it must be bad if his decided to visit Tia .

Sorry that there's no Davy yet but I promise he will be coming soon :)

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