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Clarissa's POV

I made my way on land for the first time since I first arrived on The Dutchman alongside the rest of the crew.

In order to get the chest that contained Davy's heart inside because anyone else finding it wouldn't be good as I already knew what Will and Jack's plans were .

As I ran with the crew I noticed Elizabeth about to fight Pintel and Ragetti who seemed to be holding a chest and I already knew what it contained .

I knew there was no stopping the crew as someone threw a axe which almost hit Elizabeth's head which I didn't want to happen as ever since I first arrived in Port Royale all those years ago Elizabeth had always been one of my closest friends .

The fighting was put to a halt as a large wheel came rolling past us with Will and James Norrington fighting with swords with a Jack running after them .

Whilst the crew was distracted I sneaked over to Elizabeth and whispered

"Who's fighting who ?"

Elizabeth looked at me shocked but grinned at the sight of me .

"There all fighting each other"

Elizabeth's grin then dropped before she continued

"Wait Clarissa who are you fighting for ? Why are you with Jones crew ?"

"Jones agreed that if I do 100 years on The Dutchman then Jack will be free of his dept"

The crew had began fighting again currently with Pintel and Raghetti as they seemed to have left me and Elizabeth to talk they probably presumed we was fighting or didn't think much of it at all .

"Why would you agree to spend 100 years on that ghastly ship?"

"Jack's my brother"

"No even you wouldn't do that"

I looked at Elizabeth who had known me long enough to read my emotions .

"You're in love"
Elizabeth concluded .

"I am"

"With whom ?"

I didn't answer Elizabeth's question but instead said

"I can't let any of you open that chest"

"Davy Jones ? Is that who you love?"

I half expected Elizabeth to be disgusted but she didn't seem to be .

"It is and I can't let Will nor Jack nor apparently Norrington open that chest"

"Tell Jack that his dept is no longer needed to be paid it will take one person of your list"

I nodded and took Elizabeth's advice .

I ran after the direction the wheel went in and saw Jack picking up a chest and nearby was one of the crew members of Jones's ships who had all of a sudden become headless .

"Jack ?"

Jack whipped around to face me still clutching the chest .


I watched as Jack grinned at the sight of me .

"You have no need for that chest Jack"

Jack looked confused before replying

"Have you forgotten about the dept I owe Jones"

"That doesn't matter anymore . I took your place in the dept"

I saw expressions on Jack's face which I had never seen before a mixture of guilt and sadness .

"You did what ?"

"I have agreed to spend 100 years on The Dutchman in replace for you"


"The Kraken was after you which you would never escape and on The Dutchman I have found love"

Jack grinned he must've thought I was joking .

"Wait you're been serious ? Who could you possibly love from that ship?"

"Davy Jones"

Jack's facial expression contorted to shock .

"O-oh . Now as thankful as I am for you taking my place in the dept that my dear sister is truly disgusting . I mean he has ——"

Jack then made tentacle gestures with his hands .

"Yes I am aware Jack"
I sighed .

"Well there's a problem now that I have no need for this chest there's still two others that do . One been William Turner who is determined to stab the heart of Davy Jones in order to save his father then the other is the honourable James Norrington who plans on giving the heart to Beckett"

My eyes snapped up at this .

"Did you just say Beckett?"

"I did"


I made my way back to the Dutchman earlier than the rest of the crew who was still fighting for the heart with the rest .

"Who was after the heart ?"
Davy asked me once I climbed aboard.

"Jack no longer is and James Norrington was after it"

I left Will's name out of it as I knew what would happen to Will if I mentioned him .

"Why would James Norrington want my heart ?"

"Too give it to Cutler Beckett"
I gritted my teeth as I spoke Beckett's name .


Once the crew came aboard I noticed one of them held the chest . Did they really get it ?

"Open it I want to see it"
Davy said referring to his heart.

Maccus unlocked the chest only to reveal there was nothing inside .

Right so the events of Dead Man's Chest have come to a end . The next chapter will either be one that I've thought up of myself or it will be based on a scene from At World's End :)

𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝘼𝙩 𝙎𝙚𝙖{𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨}✔️Where stories live. Discover now