Liar's Dice

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Clarissa's POV

As it turned out the man with the starfish on his face turned out to be none other than Bootstrap Bill Turner who happened to be Will's Father .

I know Bootstrap wanted nothing more than to get Will off this ship and I know they planned for me to go with Will but I couldn't help but think that would just put us in a worse position than We're already in .

"Why did you take the lashes for me ?"

I turned to Will before replying

"Because I didn't want to see a friend get hurt any longer"

"Jones was hesitant"

"I know"


"I don't know"

"We need to get off this ship"

"What about your father ?"

"I will come back for him"

"And I don't doubt that but how do you plan on escaping"

"I'm trying to figure that out"

I rolled my eyes

"So your planning on escaping a legendary ship  but you have no plan"

Will remained silent not knowing how to react so I continued

"That's a one way ticket to getting caught then a worse punishment also what about the Kraken?"

"The beast Gibbs told us of?"

"That's the one"

"What about it ?"

"Jones will send it looking for you"

"Me ? What about you ?"

"I'm not going with you I'm staying here"

"What? why would you do that ?"

"Maybe Jones won't be so angry if just one of us leaves"

"You won't let me persuade you otherwise will you?"

I shook my head as if to say no.


I watched as two crew mates played a game of liars dice only to hear from across the room .

"I challenge Davy Jones"

I instantly knew this was Will as he was the only one foolish enough to do so .

The loud tapping of Davy's crab leg could be heard from above us as could the crews laughter .

"I accept . The stakes ?"

"My soul . An eternity of servitude"

"Will don't be stupid"

𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝘼𝙩 𝙎𝙚𝙖{𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨}✔️Where stories live. Discover now