Release Of The Kraken

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Clarissa's POV

"You will watch this"

I watched with a pit of dread filling my stomach as Jones grasped Bootstrap's neck with his claw . Jones looked my way whilst giving me a pointed glare before saying

"As will you"

What was he talking about ? What would me and Bootstrap have to watch ? Did they capture Will ? Is Jones going to kill Will ?

My thoughts were pushed aside for a moment as I heard Jones command

"Let no joyful voice be heard . Let no man look up at the sky with hope and let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake ........ the Kraken"


Bootstrap and I shouted simultaneously in horror as we realized on the ship ahead of us there must be will aboard .

I watched in fright as the tentacles of the Kraken crushed the ship before my eyes most likely leaving no survivors .

I felt tears slip from my eyes as Will was probably dead by now or in the process of dying .

I saw Jones look my way with a unreadable expression before his face turned into a frown once again and he stormed away .


"The boy was no where to be found captain he must've been taken by the sea"

"I am the sea"

I felt a glimmer of hope as I overheard Jones conversation with the man with hammerhead shark head who's name I learned was Maccus as this meant Will could have survived the wrath of the Kraken .

After going over my thoughts and curiosity's once more in my mind I decided to follow Jones back to his cabin .

I slammed the door open at the fact he could've possibly killed Will .

"What made you so bitter ?"
I asked .

"You have no right to barge in here once again"

I looked up at Jones face and saw that he had been crying ? The sad tune was also playing in the back ground .

I began to put together this then Tia Dalma's warning before I said without thinking .

"You was In love?"

Jones face contorted to sadness so I continued

"Wasn't you ?"

"What has it to do with you?"
Jones shouted

"Tell me Jones who is Tia Dalma ?"


"Why did she warn me of you ?"

"I don't know what your talking about"

"Oh I think I do , you betrayed her"

"She betrayed me . She pretended to love me"

"Then why would she warn me not to make the same mistake she did . After she betrayed you in whatever way , you then bound her to human form in revenge and couldn't live with the guilt so you cut out your own heart"

I felt my back hit the wall as once again Jones had his crab claw around my neck so I continued .

"I understand why you are cruel you don't want to be hurt again but not everybody is out to hurt you"

"Nobody cares who they hurt"

I don't know what came over me as I grabbed held of Jones more human hand with the long tentacle as a index finger but surprisingly he didn't pull away .

"That's a lie , I care . You was hurt by her actions so you turned to anger and cruelty to bury the pain but it will never work not truly no matter what happens everyone will feel pain at some point"

"And how would you know this Sparrow ?"

"Ive had my fair share of experience however if you would kindly let go off my neck because I think I'm going to suffocate"

Jones loosened his grip on my neck I'm sure that it would leave a bruise .

"You was in love?"

"No I just thought I was . The problem was how they treat me . I didn't always have a pirates life unlike my brother . I lived in Tortuga as a child then Port Royale for ten years"

"How did he treat you?"

"Not in a manner anyone should treat anyone they are in love with , he was abusive ya see , he had fun taking it all out on me whenever he felt like it for 5 years , I then ran away and joined Jack at sea my only regret is not killing him whilst I had the chance"

I looked at Jones who's face showed pity ?

"I'm sorry to hear that . What was his name ?"

"Cutler Beckett"

"What would you do if you saw him again?"

"Kill him he deserves it"

It was strange hearing Jones talk in such a sincere way and not using his usual cruel tone I then continued

"But I guess you've just gotta move on"

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