Do You Know Him?

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Clarissa's POV

Once Beckett and the majority of his company had left The Dutchman I stormed off the deck and into the cabin .

I wasn't surprised when I heard the door open then close before Davy sat beside me .

"What did he say?"

Davy asked his voice attempting to be soft but I don't think he had much practice speaking in a soft voice considering it was failing .

"Take a guess"
I muttered not looking Davy in the eye .

"Just tell me"

"That one day he will take me back as his and there's nothing neither you or I can do about it"

"I won't let him do that"

"You will have no choice"

I felt Davy's more human hand hold mine whilst the index finger which was a tentacle wrapped around my forearm before he said

"Trust me"

"And how do I know if I can do that?"

I couldn't bring myself to trust him with this . I knew what Beckett was capable of and now that he held Davy's heart he would be capable of a lot more . I then continued

"Beckett has your heart he can do whatever he likes and you wouldn't be able to stop him"

"I refuse to let him take you"

I nodded knowing that Beckett would be able to find some sort of threat to get what he wants .


It was dark and late at night but I watched as the crew captured what looked to be Sao Fengs  crew but when asked where the captain was , Sao Fengs crew all pointed to someone I didn't expect to see anytime soon .... Elizabeth .
However they all seemed to think she was Calypso .

"Put her crew in the brig , the captain can have my quarters"
Norrington said .

His love for Elizabeth had always been rather obvious except she never seemed to return the affection to him .

"No I shall stay with my crew"

I grabbed held of Elizabeth's arm so that it looked like I had no idea who she was .

"Elizabeth ? Sao Feng made you captain . Why ?"

"He thinks I'm Calypso"

I nodded before saying

"I will try to get you out of here"

I gently shoved Elizabeth into the brig not wanting to do it but what choice did I have ? Better me than one of the crew .

The crew chuckled as they locked the cages to the brig .

I heard Elizabeth shout my way which caused Jimmy legs to look my way in curiosity .

Jimmy legs was the only person in the crew I somewhat feared as it was a known fact throughout the crew that when he whipped people he took joy in the whip peeling the skin off the persons back and I certainly wouldn't enjoy that happening to me .

I looked at her gesturing for her to continue

"Bootstrap ? Will's Father ? Do you know him?"

"Yes he should be somewhere in there with you"

I said before turning on my heels to walk away .

𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝘼𝙩 𝙎𝙚𝙖{𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨}✔️Where stories live. Discover now