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Clarissa's POV

I sat at the front of the ship watching the sunset as I do most nights .

Only to be joined by Davy who sat down next to me .

"What are we going to do about them ?"

I muttered quietly not wanting anyone who wasn't part of Davy's crew to overhear .

"James Norrington is dead"
Davy replied .

"Yes he is but now that Norrington is gone , Beckett is more than likely to chose someone a lot worse than him to rule over the Dutchman"

"What do you suppose we do ?"

"Get your heart back and take back control of the ship"

"Commit mutiny?"

I looked at Davy before putting my hand on his cheek and saying

"Yes or Beckett will continue to take control over you"

Davy pressed his lips against mine to which I gladly returned .


Davy and I gathered Maccus , Koleniko, Jimmy Legs and a large majority of the rest of the crew before making our way to the cabin .

I saw that the cabin which contained the chest was been guarded by the Navy soldiers who I recognised as the bimbering idiots Murtogg and Mullroy .

"This is too easy"
I muttered to Davy

"She's right who in there right mind would have these two idiots guard your chest"
Maccus agreed .

Davy ignored Maccus and i's warnings and stormed forward barging through the cabin to which Murtogg and Mullroy protested against but nobody payed much attention to them .

The rest of the crew and I stood behind Davy only to see that the Navy had several guns pointing at Davy's heart whilst a man I recognised as Mercer stood in the middle of them .

"I am in control of the Dutchman now"
Mercer informed .

"For now"

Davy said before storming out of the cabin once more .

I followed after Davy whilst saying

"I told you it was too easy but did you listen to me ?"

"He would've had control over the Dutchman either way"

"Fair point but did you really think they would of put Mullroy and Murtogg on guard"

"No but some people aren't as smart as they let on"

"And you think Beckett is one of those ?"
I questioned


"He has his ways . He always has"


Davy and I sat in silence before I broke it .

"I'm sick of it . I'm sick of Beckett having control over the ship . His vile and cruel"

"Many people say them things are me"
Davy replied

I grabbed held of his arm gently before saying

"There wrong . Underneath your cruel facade your caring and your loyal and more of a man than Beckett could ever be"

"Look at me and tell me ye don't see a monster"
Davy gestured to his outer appearance.

"It's what's inside that makes the monster not the outside and you're not a monster"

I saw Davy's eyes shining as if he was about to shed a tear however it wasn't a tear of sadness this time .

I'd like to shoutout MissCharAspden1994 as she too has wrote a Davy Jones fanfic and it's really good and I highly recommend reading it :)

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