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Clarissa's POV

"Wasn't you dead ?"
I asked Barbossa .

"Aye but sometimes things come back"

Apparently so yet I made no further comment.

Barbossa made a comment towards Will which caused Beckett to reply

"Don't blame Turner he was merely the tool to your betrayal if you want to see the grand architect look to your left"

I wasn't surprised when I saw that too be Jack considering he was one of the most selfish people I knew .

Jack too looked to his left where nobody stood which caused me to snigger slightly .

Elizabeth understandably gave Jack a glare .

"My hands are clean in this figuratively"
Jack said .

"My actions were my own until I had my own purpose . Jack had nothing to do with it"
Will spoke .

"Well spoken listen to the tool"

"Will I've been aboard the Dutchman I know the burden you have to bear but I fear that cause it lost"

"No cause is lost . If there is one fool left to fight for it"

"If Turner wasn't acting on your behalf then how did he come to give me this"

Beckett interrupted and I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm thankful considering I've always found Will and Elizabeth rather soppy when there with one another .

Jack's face instantly looked guilty as Beckett tossed him his compass .

"You made a deal with me Jack to deliver the pirates and here they are . Don't be bashful step up and claim your reward"

"I propose a exchange . I'll give you Jack and if you give me Will"
Elizabeth insisted .

Barbossa and I protested against the idea .

However Will and Beckett both agreed to it and considering Elizabeth was now King of the Brethern Court Jack ended up with us who would be going to the Dutchman.

"If you choose to fight all of you will die then if you don't most of you will die"
Beckett said .

I clenched my fists at his words .

"You murdered my father"
Elizabeth retorted .

This only made my anger towards Beckett grow considering when I use to live in Port Royal Weatherby Swann had always treat me well .

"He chose his fate"

"Then you have chosen yours . We will fight and you will die"

"Your not killing him Elizabeth"

Every single person turned to look at me .

Barbossa , Elizabeth and Will seemed confused , Jack looked at me in disbelief, Davy looked at me in slight betrayal where as Beckett smirked and said

"I knew you would come back to me"

I almost threw up in my mouth considering that was not what I meant in the slightest.

"Oh it's a shame you think that because I was just going to say that I was going to have the pleasure of killing you myself"

𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝘼𝙩 𝙎𝙚𝙖{𝘿𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙅𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨}✔️Where stories live. Discover now