Davy Jones

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Clarissa's POV

I became curious as to what Tia meant by Davy Jones been my worst mistake so I decided to pay him a visit as foolish as it may be .

I opened the door to his cabin not bothering to knock only to here him playing his organs .

"You play beautifully"
I said honestly .

"What is your business in here?"

Jones snapped ignoring my compliment not that I expected him to acknowledge it .

"Someone's warning that's what"

"What are you talking about?"
Jones spat angrily .

"Do you know a woman who goes by Tia Dalma ?"

I watched as Jones eyes widened and his eyes filled with sadness before he seemed to shake of the sadness and replace it with anger .

"That is none of your business"

"She told me you would be my worst mistake . Any idea why?"

Jones put his crab like claw around my neck I presume it use to be a hand before he became the captain of The Flying Dutchman.

"Bring this up again and I will throw you off the side of the ship"

"Do it , maybe you will get your pet Kraken to eat me aswell . I would say your cruel but you have sad eyes"

As I said the final phrase Jones released me from his grip as the sad look reappeared in his eyes before he stormed out of the cabin .

There was no use for me inside the cabin so I followed out after only to see Jones ordering a man with a starfish across his face to whip Will 5 times .

The man looked hesitant and clearly didn't want to do this .

After the first 3 lashes I could no longer watch my friend get lashed .

"STOP IT . Take the last 2 out on me"

I had no idea whether I would regret this or not but it had slipped out before I had even had time to process what I was thinking and saying .

I looked directly into Jone's eyes and I saw he seemed hesitant about me taking Will's punishment but nevertheless he sneered

"If you wish"

I felt a horrific pain as the first lash came from the man with a starfish face who seemed to want to be doing anything but this to me and Will .

Then came the second lash which caused me to scream out in pain .

I heard the crew around me laughing as if this was some joke which angered me but I was smart enough to not react upon my anger .

I looked up at Jones who didn't actually seem happy nor pleased at my pain which was a surprise considering how angry he was with me not too long ago for a reason I didn't yet know but wanted to find out .

Don't worry he won't always be this cruel to Clarissa

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